GOP Convention

August 25, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I admit: I didn’t watch it.  I was willing to watch the outtakes this morning and knew for a damn fact that’s about all I could take.

What I was not prepared for is that #CocaineConvention began trending on Twitter during Don, Jr.’s speech and, Lord have mercy!, it’s still trending #1 at 10:30 am Texas time. Lots of people think Junior was coked-up for his speech and so was his girlfriend.

His girlfriend’s speech was just totally amazing.



She’s screaming, y’all.  Her choice to wear her Spanx without a dress was unusual, too. I’m not saying it wasn’t classy and refined, but … well, I guess I am saying it’s not classy or refined or in good taste or elegant or chic or ya know, appropriate.

I guess we’ll settle back in and watch the rest of the convention tonight.



Unless, of course, we’re dodging another kind of disaster.


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0 Comments to “GOP Convention”

  1. I didn’t watch any of it, either. Colbert brought me up to speed last night. However, I heard this morning that “The Screaming Lady”‘s speech was taped beforehand. She could have done another take. What a dope!

  2. Rich in Fla says:

    So Kim told the story of being the child of immigrants.
    Except one parent immigrated from Puerto Rico. ????

  3. Bob Boland says:

    Rich – why are you confused? To a Republican Puerto Rico MUST be a foreign country. The place is “overrun” with brown people that speak a “foreign” language. This can’t be ‘Murika’, so the parent must be a foreign national. /s

  4. Rich in Fla:
    You beat me to it.
    Also, her speech will be considered a masterpiece by the party of trump.
    So in other words, it was very effective in a Goebbelsonian kinda way.

  5. Texas Expat in CA says:

    I tried to watch, but after hearing about Trump’s “deep empathy” for the American people, I couldn’t stomach it. But about Screaming Kimberly, why was she even a speaker? Because she’s the candidate’s son’s girlfriend? Pathetic.

  6. Kimberly,

    There’s no happy ending to cocaine. You either die, you go to jail, or run out.


  7. Kimberly went full on “Evita” with this one. I guess no one told her there wouldn’t be a live audience that would cheer after every phrase like previous convention speeches. Totally creeped me out. Modulate your voice, honey. Modulate.

  8. Whoa, you are a stronger person than me. I made it to the 43 second mark. It’s obviously a speech written with a LOT of Drumpf’s input. I didn’t watch last night either. There’s nothing of value to learn and nothing will change my mind about him or his family.

    I checked in on Twitter now and then. There was a woman who did recaps something like this: RECAP: Ronna McDaniel says she’s “a real housewife.”

    Fact check: Eva Longoria is a wife, mother and entrepreneur.

    A few minutes later, she would tweet another recap.

  9. Kimberly Guilfoyle’s take on motivational speaker Matt Foley was quite enthusiastic!!! But why did she leave out the part where rampant socialism would close down our suburban homes and cause us all to live IN A VAN DOWN BY THE RIVER!

  10. The only thing missing from Kimberly Guilfoyle’s speech where the flying monkeys. Somebody missed Evita’s cue probably because they were too busy snorting coke.

    On the plus side, ratings for the convention were down!

  11. Grandma Ada says:

    In college marketing class I remember reading Goebbel’s Points of Propaganda – there were 19 of them. I think he first night must have hit many of them. I just don’t know how people still take the party of his majesty seriously!

  12. She said she was a former prosecutor. Anyone else think she was going to finish that phrase with prostitute, instead of prosecutor?

  13. Don Jr. has some ‘splainin’ to do.
    Doesn’t the White House have quality control experts for their own drug use?
    What is all that security for?

  14. Micr, that reminds me of my favorite Robin Williams quote:
    “Cocaine is God’s way of telling you you are making too much money.”

  15. Crazy Quilter says:

    I did not watch last night. I watched 3 episodes of Lucifer and felt that improved my mind more than listening to the repugs.

    When my husband was alive he used to watch Fox. He really didn’t want to miss The Five ( I think it was called) where ol’ Kimberly flashed her legs along with her opinions. I tried to ignore it as much as possible but that screech of hers is hard to tune-out. She has not improved with time.

    Personally, I think the chrome around her big mouth came from that trailer hitch on Don Jrs truck.

  16. Crazy Quilter says:

    Inquiring minds want to know if Don Jr and first wife have gotten a divorce? Who is supporting his kids? Does he ever see them? Why does nobody ever bring his philandering up? Another faux christian.

  17. Best Raw Story coke twiter quote:

    “Don Jr. & Kimberly Guilfoyle to each other: ‘wait… people could tell?'”

    Yes. I AM enjoying this. A lot. We already knew Putin owned Drumpf 45 lock stock and barrel. And now we know Jr’s dealer owns him lock stock and barrel.

  18. charles phillips says:

    I have never felt the need to watch the Republican convention, real or virtual, and I will continue to do so.

  19. slipstream says:

    Ein Volk, ein Reich, ein Führer.

  20. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Isn’t Roy Cohn, I mean Bille Barrf, going to speak at the convention?

  21. Sam in Superior says:

    Let’s be kind to Jr and Kimberley, they did such a SPECTACULAR job speechifying with the use of cocaine that the key to even greater speeches is lots more cocaine.

  22. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Never mind Kimmy — when do we hear the tape of Melania dissing her stepchildren? Will there be subtitles? Do I have to buy the book?

    I’ve never tried cocaine. Does it make you loud? Because I know people who can get there on beer.

  23. Rich in Fla @ 2:
    Well, in TrumpWorld, Hawaii is Kenya so obviously Puerto Rico is somewhere off the Ivory Coast, right?

  24. Didn’t watch. Something unique was on. Hockey. In August. In New Mexico.

  25. Rich in Fla says:

    TWOCROWS @23

    You’re right…. It’s Nambia,…. Bigly !!!

    I heard Falwell will be speaking this week as well.
    He’s looking to bring in the swing vote.

  26. Charly Hoarse says:

    Kimberly Guilfoyle at the RNC: “They want to steal your freedom, your liberty. They want to control what you see and think.”
    -Mercy, is that what we want?

  27. My wife and I watched it for a little over five minutes, at which time we understood that our gag reflexes, though well trained, just couldn’t handle it any more.

  28. Two crows @ 23,
    Is that the swingers vote?

  29. @ronanon

    This is my favorite Robin Williams quote on cocaine. It’s in the middle of a longer piece on the three ways one can tell if they have a cocaine problem…

    “If you have this dream, where your doing cocaine in your sleep, and you can’t fall asleep and doing cocaine in your sleep and can’t fall asleep AND YOU WAKE UP doing cocaine!”

    Then Sam Kinison saying “I called a detox center – just to see how much it would cost: $13,000 for three weeks! My friends, if you can still come up with thirteen grand, you don’t have a problem. Yet.”

  30. Cheryl@12–I had the same thought!

  31. Chloe Bear says:

    Cheryl and Jo, Me too! Admittedly disappointed when she did not say, “prostitute” another lie by a trump supporter.

  32. john in denver says:

    Kim was talking about the amazing Republican tax reductions that put thousands of dollars into the pockets of middle class workers ….

    I thought it was awful that I was missing out on Soros checks, but now I learn I miss a tax refund of THOUSANDS!!! OF DOLLARS!!!!! Could someone tell me where to go to find details, so I can refile and get that tax relief?

  33. Sandridge says:

    I was medically administered cocaine after a hospital sinus surgery [for pain control I guess]. Yeow, felt like Superman, and couldn’t even put on my pants was so looped.
    A day later when the sinus cavity gauze packing was removed [–pulled/ripped out–, filled a trash bucket], little to no pain control given, and was levitated off the bed in agony the whole time [doc was lucky I didn’t have a weapon handy].

    But as a former resident of living a few miles from the Rio Grande, I saw a lot of people make a lot of dinero in the ‘import-export’ biz…

  34. Jonathon P Hubbert says:

    The closing line from her speech was straight out of the Kremlin. All that malarky about freedom for peace loving peoples everywhere was heard nightly on Radio Free Sputnik while I was stationed in Germany in the 70’s, and the folks were stationed in The Philipines during the 50’s.

  35. Ms Guilfoyle is kind of a darker, less compassionate version of Ann Coulter.

  36. Neighborm says:

    When originally broadcast, I muted this but yet felt terrified what with all the arm waving nad the clear expressions of anger. Be that as it may, I guess being paid 180k by the RNC for being Don Jr’s girlfriend is living the American dream.
