Goofy Rick Miller
I’ve told you guys about my goofy State Representative before. I sit around waiting for his newsletters because they are a collection of ignorance that rivals the entire state of Mississippi.
I wanted you show you what he highlighted this month: His Honors and Awards.
Here ya go. Click the little one to get the big one.
Now maybe it’s just me and my high faulting standards about awards and honors. Example: that you went to college is not an honor. If you graduated summa cum laude, that is. You didn’t, so …
Being a member of a caucus is not an honor or an award. It’s expected. It’s your damn job.
Rick, and I am speaking to you personally here, I don’t think you know what an honor is. Here, let me look it up for you.
The only one that could possible be considered an honor is the Courageous Conservative Award from the Texas Conservative Coalition. And Rick, yes I am talking to you personally again, every damn Republican in the Texas House got that “Honor.” Every damn one of them. That ain’t an honor – that’s a marketing technique.
He’s an idiot, y’all. Please find me somebody to run against him.