Goodness Gracious
Okay, a bunch of folks are banning together to make a community – here, I’ll let them talk—
The Citadel is a developing community of Patriots in the mountains of Idaho who believe in Jefferson’s Rightful Liberty and have chosen to live amongst one another, who have sworn their Lives, their Fortunes and their Sacred Honor to defend one another and Liberty.
Oh, yes. These guys are deadass serious. So this looks like a prime location for all those Texans who want to secede.
The cornerstone of the Citadel is III Arms Company, an industry to support the first wave of Patriots who will become modern American Pioneers. We will build Fighting Arms and ammunition for Patriots and around us a town will begin to grow. Other revenue streams are already in the works. Our intent is to purchase at least one thousand acres, and construct a walled town of at least one square mile to withstand any potential violence from hungry, diseased Souls. Obviously the Citadel is not being built to defy any laws of the United States or the State of Idaho, or to withstand any .gov or .mil attack. Our fortifications are merely defensive for a SHTF world.
A hoard of deranged paranoid people locked inside a mile long wall with a bunch of guns. Oh hell, what could possibly go wrong?
Thanks to Robert for the heads up.