Good News For All You Entertainment Fans
Now that the excitement of Christmas and New Years is over and the dull dreariness of January has set in, you’ll be proud to know that your entertainment dollar is fixing to stretch further.
The former White House communications director has privately told friends and associates that the president and other members of the Trump family, including White House adviser and first daughter Ivanka Trump, miss him and want him back in the West Wing. Three sources close to Scaramucci have independently told The Daily Beast that the Mooch continues to brag that he and President Donald Trump talk on the phone, and that the Mooch believes his resurrection in Trump-world could be imminent.
It sounds like a great teevee series – The Mooch is Back! Watch Anthony call other staff members vulgar names, hit on every woman in the room, and strut his way down the White House sidewalk.
Sadly, nobody who is anybody believes The Mooch. They think he’s just shooting off his mouth. Yu know, like he always does. But, there’s always hope that we get another round with Scaramucci.