Good Morning!

September 03, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press


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0 Comments to “Good Morning!”

  1. He forgot what the flag looked like? What does he think that thing in a standard is in his office? Anybody on his staff delegated to remind him every morning? Maybe they should start dong so.

  2. I need someone to talk me down. I’m turning into a conspiracy theorist and I don’t like it. Please help.

    So Trump did this and, a few days later, I watched a PBS program called “Documenting Hate” about Charlottesville. There were a bunch of neo-nazis marching around with a flag that was a take-off on the American flag. The flag’s field was black with white stars and the stripes were black and white — except for one — which was blue.

    It put me in mind of Trump’s “error.”
    Or was it?
    Might he have been using a small children’s classroom to send a message to his devoted followers?

    Please, someone — pick my theory apart here. I don’t like being a conspiracy theorist.

  3. two crows

    The flag desecration you describe sounds like the desecration of the so called “police” flag that the state protected gang bangers are promoting for their latest grift to separate the fools from their money in the name of flag desecration and treason.
    Tried to find image to paste but all came with marketing tripe attached.
    Search “police flag” Black and white ( the way that police see the world) with a single blue stripe.

  4. How sad. And tRump does not consider his ignorant, slovenly behavior as a desecration of not only the flag but also the US Constitution. Thank God for people like Colin Kapernik who honor the flag by kneeling in respect as well as protest to the inequities in our country.
