Good Men Don’t Rape Women. Ever.

September 17, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It appears that the Republican Party under Donald Trump has declared rape to be mark of a fine man. You know, good people on both sides – the man who rapes and the women who get raped.

Orrin Hatch speaks


No, he’s not.  He’s committed perjury in his hearing, he’s abused a woman, his finances are a damn mess, and he probably has a gambling problem.  He’s Trump with a law degree.

First you say he didn’t do it and now you say but even if he did …. he’s a good man.

I believe in redemption. I believe that passed sins can be forgiven and that people can change.  I do not believe a man who continues to deny and does not seek redemption or forgiveness can be trusted.


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