Good Lawyering Is A Thing Of Beauty

February 03, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Back a while ago, I applauded the lawyers representing Dominion voting machines for aggressively going after the yabbermouths attacking their machines.  Free speech ain’t free – it is bought with responsibility. Slander is slander and should be treated as such.

Well, let me show you how that works.



Brian Williams is a fun one to watch and I just didn’t want you to miss this one.


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0 Comments to “Good Lawyering Is A Thing Of Beauty”

  1. LOVE the split screen with the empty chair

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The former “leader of the free world” attracted the best supporters like a barnyard full of crap. Who says the repugnican party isn’t inclusive? With the likes of Lindell, taylor Greene, if you’re loony enough, they want you.
    On the local teevee station we watch morning news on, for a few months they would show lindell pushing pillows in the longest commercials I’ve ever seen. I finally sent the station feedback on their website asking if they really needed the money that bad, considering what he spewed. 2 days later, no more ads!

  3. When NewsMax says your crazy, even if it’s just to avoid getting sued into oblivion, honey you’re crazy.

  4. The phrase “Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas” came to mind watching this.

  5. Just goes to show that someone’s 1st amendment right to lie only goes as far as someone else’s right to sue them into insolvency…

  6. I can’t wait to see that guy in a court in the witness chair.

  7. thatotherjean says:

    I loved that! The “OMG, get him off the air before we’re sued into oblivion!” panic was a joy to watch.
