Gohmert Pyle

January 21, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Long time customer, Don A. in Pennsyltucky, found the most wonderful Louie Gohmert comment this morning in the New York Times.  Don has named Gohmert “Louie the Lip.”

The writer is making the argument that having more guns in Tuscon would not really have helped matters.

But the Tucson shootings should discredit the canard that we need more guns at school, in the workplace, even in Congress. Yes, Congress. The Texas Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert has proposed a bill to allow fellow members to carry firearms into the Capitol Building.

Gohmert has enough trouble carrying a coherent thought onto the House floor. God forbid he would try to bring a Glock to work. By his reasoning, the Middle East would be better off if every nation in the region had nuclear weapons.

Oh.  Damn.  That’s good.

Really good.

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