God Weighed In

September 05, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


So sayeth the lord.  


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0 Comments to “God Weighed In”

  1. And God said, “DARN, Missed!

  2. He needs to wait until he is babbling stuff in the Rose Garden.

  3. Paul, you are my newest hero.

  4. Wow! This certainly does remind me of when a local Baptist church got zinged by lightening right in the middle of the ridgepole. What it cost them to have the roof replaced is so huge its embarrassing! Dang! if that bolt did hit anything on the White House it is us taxpayers that foot the bill! And, yes, Cheryl the Rose Garden sounds about right to me.

  5. Are you sure that lightning was the most deadly thing to hit the White House recently. I mean, that NY Times op-ed…

  6. “Consider this your last warning. The Woodward book was #1, the NYT oped was #2.” sayeth the Almighty.

  7. Linda Phipps says:

    My eldest son thinks it’s Kelly. I was thinking Sessions,but he would not have been in a position to swipe papers off the beast’s desk.
