Go Sign It

March 24, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You ain’t got anything else better to do.

Go sign this petition to allow guns at the Republican National Convention because we want the Republicans to be safe.

I mean, what could go wrong?


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0 Comments to “Go Sign It”

  1. Not safe for dinner!

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Signed with joy! The snacilbupeR deserve all the protection the Second Amendment can provide them.

  3. Using the logic of Republicans and the NRA:

    * Republicans are “good guys”
    * “Good guys” with guns will prevent gun violence and keep everyone in their vicinity safe
    * It’s their platform, so… as many visual aids as possible. What would be more impressive than thousands of attendees holding up their rifles, handguns, pistols in a segment billed as a salute to Charlton Heston?

    The Republican National Convention can only be better when you add guns. I would even advertise it as such:

    The New! Improved! 2016 Republican Convention! Now with even more guns!

  4. Republicans keep telling us that guns make us safer, so let’s see them prove it.

  5. Austinhatlady says:

    Signed! Of course having guns at the convention is an excellent idea!

  6. 1toughlady says:


  7. e platypus onion says:

    Wingnuts are gonna choke on the part about “good guys with guns” because there ain’t any in the wingnut party.

  8. Sam in San Antonio says:

    Let’s put the young woman from FL who was shot by her 4-year-old in charge of gun safety. this convention could be the greatest thing to happen to America since the invention of Twinkies.

  9. That Other Jean says:

    Lead me not into temptation. . .

    I really, really want to sign that, but I just can’t. Too much enthusiasm, booze, excitement, disagreements—and guns. Somebody is going to get hurt.

  10. Linda Phipps says:

    I DID! And I said that I supported the right of all Patriotic Republicans to carry their guns at the convention to show their commitment to the Second Amendment.

  11. Be sure to read the comments on the petition page! They’re priceless.

  12. Oh boy, is this the reaction to the city of Cleveland ramping up their own artillery in the way of SWAT teams and armored personnel carriers, etc.? It really does sound like the prelude to a mess and a half. Does open carry cover bazookas?

  13. Done.

  14. maryelle says:

    Like That Other Jean, I am fearful that people in attendance and the police charged with securing that circus will be in mortal danger, even with their superior firepower.

  15. Signed. I want them to be as safe as the rest of the USA.

  16. This is the best idea I have seen in weeks. I love it!

    Let’s make sure they sell some beer on the floor, too. Lots of it.

    Then just sit back and watch the (literal) fireworks happen.

    Would make a great Final Solution To The Trump Problem, wouldn’t it?

    The best part is that no innocents would be harmed in the making of that movie…

  17. charles r. phillips says:

    I signed it, because it was a fun thing to do, now I just hope I’m not on some RWNJ fund-raising list.

  18. On the petition, when I was asked why I approved, I answered….divine retribution!

  19. I joyfully signed.

  20. AliceBeth says:

    I am still calling for a duel between Cruz and Trump to defend their wives’ honor.

  21. Jodi devries says:


  22. BarbinDC says:

    I signed it because I can’t think of anybody who deserves this ensuing mess more.

  23. Signed and can’t wait for the greatest show on Earth. I’m gonna buy stock in the Cleveland area hospitals as they are gonna be busy during the convention.

  24. I signed and wrote that they should have the right to shoot each other!

  25. Hollyanna says:

    Signed. It was the least I could do…

  26. This is great. I love it. Only one thing: No one under age 18 allowed in the building.

    Let the snacilbupeR pull a Frank Burnsian spasticity and, in a moment of spineless panic, begin shooting randomly. But protect the children by providing free child care and activities for older children – At A Different Site.

  27. Jean Kuhn says:

    Signed with glee. Waiting for the show.

  28. eyesoars says:

    A heavily armed Republican National Convention? What could possibly go wrong?

    They might run short on alcohol, I suppose.

    Free liquor for delegates! We didn’t repeal prohibition for nothing! (…it cost millions of dollars!)

  29. Craps, the hosts can’t run short of alcohol. Some of the delegates are short-tempered sober. And they carry handguns!

  30. two crows says:

    Signed. Because I really don’t know – if the snacilbupeR elites put insanity in one hand and hypocrisy in the other – which would fill up first. So I’m checking.

    Btw – in this case, I’m betting on hypocrisy.

  31. That Other Jean (and Jean is one of my names, too): You have a point, but the other side of that coin is that their insistence (and in good ol’ Texas, it’s pretty much insistence) that everybody who *can* carry a gun *should* carry a gun everywhere except in their own government office areas pretty much puts all the rest of us in that kind of danger a lot of the time. What they’re asking for is protections they self-righteously deny the rest of us–and I don’t appreciate that.

  32. Neighborm says:

    Republicans as a rule are so boring. However, with a mixture of guns and booze, these Repubs could make Cleveland rock this summer.

  33. signed.

  34. Allow guns? Can’t we require them?

    Also alcohol. There should definitely be a four-shot minimum.

    For the guns and the booze.

  35. Funny! I like your rules LynnN.

  36. Sanborne Addison says:

    Signed. Sign. Democrats for Darwin!

  37. Gary Hlree says:

    Since the arena is a gun free zone, shoot out is possible and allowing guns will make safe.
