Go Granny Go!
By Fenway Fran
Ida Stanley, 83, has had enough. Time to get out of the rocker and DO SOMETHING. Armed with plastic Batman handcuffs, she set out to make a citizen’s arrest of Texas Senator Ted Cruz by staking out his Washington DC residence. citing Crimes Against Sanity,
“You have the right to remain silent…and wouldn’t that be nice for a change,” she shouted as up to six of Cruz’s security detail took her down. Ida even informed him of his right to an attorney, and that one would be provided if he couldn’t afford it, but ”that $1.3 million you got from Comcast to neuter the internet should cover those costs easily”.
Ida’s feistiness rivals Betty White’s, so with respect for Momma, you should go to the link.
Fortunately, she will not be charged with domestic terrorism or endangering a public official and was released to the custody of her grandchildren. Cruz got a 500 ft restraining order. Comcast is reported to have cut off her cable and internet.
(Satire alert: Our neighbors to the north continue to have fun with our political insanity, and are counting their lucky stars that Cruz emigrated.)