Go Get Your Tin Foil Hat. Dog Dump Dumb May Be Contagious.

January 28, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so last summer the GOP presidential candidates were asked this question:  Name the greatest living president.

Donald Trump, Bobby Jindal, and Ted Cruz all answered, “Ronald Reagan.”

TedCruz_Airhead_3I certainly can’t prove this but I have been told that Reagan died in 2004. Until presented with proof otherwise, I have no reason to question that.

So if you’re going to be dumb, you might as well be Olympic dumb.  Ted Cruz is certainly training for it.

Asked by BuzzFeed News to cite his greatest foreign policy influence apart from Reagan, Cruz cited Reagan anyway.

“If you ask the question, the answer is Ronald Reagan,” Cruz said. “You might not like that answer, but that is the truth.”

Uh, does Ted Cruz know anything about Reagan’s foreign policy?  Anything at all?  It’s like the reverse opposite of what Ted Cruz wants.  Reagan wasn’t tight with Israel.  Reagan kowtowed with Saddam Hussein after he gassed his own people.  Reagan traded arms for hostages.

Holy cow.  I know that and I didn’t go to Harvard.

Thanks to Willie for the heads up.

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