Go Get a Calendar

November 16, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I live in Texas Senate District 18.  My state senator, the ever-goofy Glenn Hegar, was elected comptroller of Texas earlier this month.

So, the Governor announces a special election to take Hegar’s place during the legislative session that starts in January.  SD 18 covers 21 counties along the Texas coastline.

On Friday, they announced that the filing deadline is this Wednesday.  And the election will take place on December 6th.


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During this time, there has to be time for a mail ballot to be printed and certified, people over the age of 65 to request a ballot by mail, then for the county to mail the actual ballot to those people, then time for those people to mark their ballot and mail it back by December 6th.  You’re looking at three separate transit postal service times for a ballot during Thanksgiving season.  You also have to have time to allow a mail ballot for people who will be out of town on December 6th.

There has to be early voting, which requires set up times in each of those counties and election workers on December 6th in 21 counties.

By my count, there are 17 days between November 20th and December 6th, counting Thanksgiving and Sundays, 12 days not counting them.

If you’re thinking that Republicans have already picked their candidate and that they think voting is just a needless formality, you’re right.  They have picked State Rep. Lois Kolkhorst to advance to this seat and I’m sure they have someone already picked out for her old seat, too.

I don’t know this for a damn fact, but I suspect the election for her Republican certified replacement will be December 7th.

Kolkhorst-Lois_1_jpg_800x1000_q100State Rep. Lois Kolkhorst is a doozy. She signed the court brief linking same-sex marriage to incest and pedophilia. The opposes abortion in any case. She supports school vouchers. Claims to have “Led the fight against Obamacare.”

Bottom line:  This is not an election.  This is a coronation.

I’m making a bet that Kolkhorst’s first speech on the Texas Senate floor will be that Democrats subvert democracy.   I’m also betting that I will throw up over the balcony.

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