Glad Somebody Paid the Ransom

May 31, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sorry to be so totally absent for a few days.  But, I’m well and have some thing to share today.

It’s always nice to know that Louie Gohmert is outta sight but still screwing up.  Come to find out, the unscrupulous sumbitch tried to make off with peoples’ money. Although he wasn’t running for Congress because he quit Congress to run against the currently impeached Ken Paxton and lost in a landslide, he tried to make money under the table.

The FEC caught him and he’s gotta pay it back.

Kinda makes you smile, doesn’t it?


0 Comments to “Glad Somebody Paid the Ransom”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Kinda smile, Ms. JJ? Oh noes, please accept our gratitude! Best big grin of the day followed by the sweetest cup of schadenfreude.

    But someone please throw me a rope. Or thwonk me on the head. I have feelings of slight empathy/compassion for Louie the Loser. The putz was taking a few thousand here and there while the rest of his Party were scoring the $big bucks. Not that the small fry don’t deserve to be fried, but when will the downfall of the stinkier bigger fish sweeten our cups of schadenfreude? I could be content with Ted Cruz receiving his neighborly moment ala Runt Paul.

  2. I’m good with Louie giving up the money but I’m against it going back to The House Freedom Fund. They should have known better about what’s legit and not, so they should lose the money too. Let it go into a fund for local election judges.

  3. Texas AG–only crooks apply. Sigh. At least they are showing some effort to hold accountable finally.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Can’t remember- is goober gohmert dumb or dumber.

  5. SteveTheReturned says:

    Fork it over, Louie. Pronto.

  6. Gillian Randall says:

    Yes, I’m smiling. Hope you can feel the beams from Vermont.

  7. Tony Deen says:

    I’d almost forgotten Louis Gohmert Pyle. I know, not possible.

    Many moons since I last visited. Harvey, the Pandemic, lost employment and subsequent depression through me for a real loop. The good news is that I (we) have recovered and am back.

    Your humor and other contributors as well as commenters are a needed support element.
