Girl Scouts and Their Filthy Cookie Money

January 31, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Belles of Heaven Republican Women’s Clubs across America are plenty upset with the Girl Scouts and their dirty minds.

Did you know that Girl Scouts are teaching your daughters to be tramps and encouraging them to have abortions?

Yeah, me neither.

A group of Republican women are plenty upset about this cookie mess.  And do you want to know the straw that broke the camel’s back?  Wendy Davis.

“We’re asking you to boycott Girl Scout cookies in 2014,” reads a new site dedicated to the boycott, explaining that Davis should not be lifted up as a “worthy role model for our children.” The same accusation is being leveled against the group in regard to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who was included in a different news article about influential U.S. women that the Girl Scouts shared on its Facebook page.

They are perfectly serious.  They even have a logo and everything.

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So the way I figure it, we liberals are under a sacred obligation to buy some Girl Scout Cookies!  Oh hell, go wild, buy three or twenty boxes.  Use them to feed your campaign block walkers at your local Democratic headquarters.

Thanks to Old Fart for the heads up.


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