Getting an “A” in Lobotomy
So, Dis Guy:
Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag – if they do, there must be consequences – perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail!
That was the tweet that greeted me when I pried my eyes open this morning. In addition to the absolute anti-American-ness of the whole sentiment (I mean, come on! Even Fat Tony Scalia ruled in favor of flag-burning!) I say, even if we ignore the Constitution-bashing by the Resident-Elect – how utterly comical is the suggestion:
(or, ya know, 12 months at Club Fed)
As if the two punishments were remotely congruent? What in the everlasting HECK?
When I was a mere slip of a boy, I thought Animal House was one of the great adolescent comedies of all times. Little did I know, it was a blueprint for 21st century America. First, there’s the guy on the left, who did the voice-over work for Dat Guy’s commercials in the Presidential election. Really, D-Day? REALLY!?!
Of course, we skipped over the Senate and went right for Resident with this next one. What seemed like a joke in 1978… not so funny now, is it?
Finally, although Dean Vernon Wermer was the villain of the piece, he did provide this evergreen piece of advice:
Yes, fat, drunk and stupid IS, indeed, no way to go through life. Which is why Dis Guy never drinks: