Getting an “A” in Lobotomy

November 29, 2016 By: Primo Encarnación Category: Uncategorized

So, Dis Guy:

Nobody should be allowed to burn the American flag – if they do, there must be consequences – perhaps loss of citizenship or year in jail!

That was the tweet that greeted me when I pried my eyes open this morning.  In addition to the absolute anti-American-ness of the whole sentiment (I mean, come on!   Even Fat Tony Scalia ruled in favor of flag-burning!)  I say, even if we ignore the Constitution-bashing by the Resident-Elect – how utterly comical is the suggestion:


(or, ya know, 12 months at Club Fed)

As if the two punishments were remotely congruent?  What in the everlasting HECK?

Oh, Bruce McGill! You make me sad.

Oh, Bruce McGill! You make me sad.

When I was a mere slip of a boy, I thought Animal House was one of the great adolescent comedies of all times.  Little did I know, it was a blueprint for 21st century America.  First, there’s the guy on the left, who did the voice-over work for Dat Guy’s commercials in the Presidential election.  Really, D-Day?  REALLY!?!

Of course, we skipped over the Senate and went right for Resident with this next one.  What seemed like a joke in 1978… not so funny now, is it?

Shown with his non-Slovenian, non-Slovakian wife.

Shown with his non-Slovenian, non-Slovakian wife.

Finally, although Dean Vernon Wermer was the villain of the piece, he did provide this evergreen piece of advice:

Double, Secret Reprobation

Double, Secret Reprobation

Yes, fat, drunk and stupid IS, indeed, no way to go through life.  Which is why Dis Guy never drinks:

'Cuz two out of three ain't bad.  (Meat Loaf, YOU make me sad, too!)

‘Cuz two out of three ain’t bad.
(Meat Loaf, YOU make me sad, too!)

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