Get Your Pencils Ready

September 11, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Get your pencils out because The Last Guy is leading the battle for intellectual excellence.


No, seriously.

Hell, Honey, I’ll challenge either one of them to a multiplication test.  Or a second grade arithmetic test. Or two-footed hop scotch, can they do hop scotch?

I do not know why he picked Rupert Murdoch, but I am kinda surprised he could remember his name.  Let’s be honest here – beating Rupert at mental acuity is kinda like challenging Sweet Pea to a fight while Popeye is standing right there.


0 Comments to “Get Your Pencils Ready”

  1. Nick Carraway says:

    UT is really desperate to prove they are back as a football powerhouse. Might I suggest a game against Lamar University. That will certainly prove a point right?

  2. Anything to keep his name in the news and to distract people from that exhibition of one-fingered salutes the locals gave him at the football game on Saturday in Iowa.

  3. I don’t think Trump would pass an IQ test or an dickie measuring contest against Murdoc.

  4. Steve from Beaverton says:

    I’d like to see TFFG have a mental intelligence contest with either of my 7 and 10 YO grandkids. The stable genius psychopath would be obliterated by either one of them.

  5. Jeff Del Papa says:

    How about the INS citizenship test. (Along with all members of congress)

  6. So, Barb, were those Hawkeyes telling the mango he’s # 1??

  7. AlanInAustin says:

    I don’t know what test they’d use, but I predict the equivalent of a football score 2-2.

  8. Jeff Del Papa @ 5,

    I like your idea. So many of the Freedom Caucus would fail it for sure.

  9. Jace,

    No. He is number two.

  10. Isn’t there some old saying about not picking a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel? Rupert owns a newspaper (the New York Post), a “news” TV channel, and a website, all of which buy the electronic equivalent of ink by the barrel. So… Did Combover Crime Lord ever think about that? Did he ever think about anything not immediately associated with his own personal sensations?

  11. If he would throw Elon Musk into the mix, I’d watch.

  12. Steve Schlackman says:

    Olde Rupert may not have a working brain. His handlers have kept him out of public view for months. Everything that he has supposedly said was said by others. There still is a possibility that Olde Rupert is dead and has been replaced by a robot. Of course a robot is probably smarter than dummy Trump.

  13. Karen Hester says:

    Karen from Madison says:
    The test Trump took is not an IQ or mental acuity test. It is the Montreal Cognitive Assessment used to check for signs of cognitive impairment. It features tasks like remember five words, draw a clock indicating a certain time, identify a picture of an animal etc. It is not clear why Trump is so proud of passing a test most people could pass nor is it clear why someone thought he should take the test.
