Get Those People Off The Voting Rolls, Poncho!

January 28, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republicans are totally convinced that they are losing elections in Texas because “illegal aliens” are voting.

Yep, that’s the only reason Texas is turning blue because it couldn’t be, by gawd, bad government by Republicans.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, the chief law enforcement officer of Texas,  has been under indictment on three felony counts of securities fraud for the past five years but has kept it out of court with prissy legal maneuvering and political ploys – mainly by getting his friends on his home county’s commissioners court to un-fund the special prosecutor in his case.

Anyway, his latest dally into the world of Republicans who are so deeply and religiously honest is this one:  Paxton is standing behind the idea that 95,000 undocumented workers are registered to vote in Texas.

Caca del toro.

The Texas Secretary is appointed by the Governor.

The Texas secretary of state’s office announced Friday it would send local election officials a list of 95,000 registered voters who the state says counties should consider checking to see whether they are U.S. citizens and, therefore, legally eligible to vote.

In an advisory released Friday afternoon, the office said it was flagging individuals who had provided the Texas Department of Public Safety with some form of documentation — including a work visa or a green card — that showed they were not a citizen when they were obtaining a driver’s license or an ID card. Among the individuals flagged, about 58,000 individuals cast a ballot in one or more elections from 1996 to 2018, the secretary of state’s office said.

In 2014, the latest number I could find quickly, 52,879 immigrants became citizens in Texas.  That’s one year, so I speculate it’d be more than that if you went back to 1996.

This is a lame excuse to remove legal citizens with same name syndrome from voting rolls.  Or to make people  travel to election offices during business hours with their birth certificates or naturalization papers.

The only voter fraud I know about was in my own county and all three involved Republicans.

Y’all, for the past month I have been working on a special project about more voter fraud – or voter stealing – in last November’s election in my own county.  I’ll be able to tell you about it in a week or two.  And do I need to give you a hint on who did the vote stealing?  No, I don’t think I do.


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