Get This Man a Pocket Calculator

March 12, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Please allow me to introduce you to Congressweazle Kevin Brady, another Republican from east Texas.  Brady had long been known as one of the best friends of the Texas Alcohol Commission because he single handedly tried to drink all the alcohol in Texas.

In 2005, he plead no-contest to DWI in South Dakota.  He got a $350 fine and his right to drive in South Dakota was suspended for 30 days.

He’s kinda a jerk.

Last week, Brady’s PAC, the Making America Prosperous PAC, got a letter from the Federal Election Commission saying that his financial report was a damn mess.

Schedule A of your reports for the 2016calendar year combined, discloses transfers totaling $80,000from the “Brady Victory Fund”, which is a joint fundraising committee affiliated with your committee. The sum of memo Schedule A is less than the total amount transferred. Please note that the sum of memo Schedule A supporting a transfer(s) from a joint fundraising committee should be greater than or equal to the amount of the transfer(s).

In short, there’s some money missing.

There’s one other thing you need to know about Kevin Brady – he’s chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee.  But, you know, I’m totally sure that his calculations on the Obamacare replacement are totally just fine.  Totally.

God help us.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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