Get Around, Get Around, Rick Gets Around

August 11, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you don’t know The Benham Brothers, you have missed a treat.  They were all set to have a show on HGTV where they redo houses for “deserving people,” and give them a “forever home.”  Ahhhh, decorating and tears – a winning combination.

Well, come to find out, the Benham Brothers are Super DeLux Brand Christians who have said some rather judgmental and hateful things about Muslims, women who seek an abortion, and gay people.  I don’t know this for a dead certain guaranteed fact but I suspect that some gay people might work at HGTV and some gay people might even watch it.  Again, I do not have proof of that.  I am just speculating.

So, their show got canceled because they tipped the acceptable hate scale even in the south.

Next they did what every person who gets called out for hate-speech does.  They cast themselves as victims for Jesus.  You’d think they were John the Baptist’s head on a platter with all the chest pounding and carrying on they do.   The Benham Brothers are now professional martyrs and making pretty good money at it in the supermarket parking lots of Super DeLux Brand Christian book signings and hootenannies.

So who shows up next?



Yes, that right there is un-gay man Rick Perry enjoying a thigh-grabbing moment with two other un-gay men.  You know what they say:  you are not gay if you only have sex with other straight men.

The folks over at Joe. My. God. are having way too much fun with this.  Warning to Momma:  Do not click that link.  There are dirty words, gross thoughts, and deeds at that link.  But, some are very funny.  A couple I picked.

“Weeeeeee! I’m having more fun than Marcus Bachman at a quiche eating contest!”

Cheerleader Sandwich.

The conservative equivalent of the KFC Double Down. Two deep fried southern nitwits sandwiching a whole lottta cheese – with a little bit of pork thrown into the mix.

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Get Around, Get Around, Rick Gets Around”

  1. Thanks, J.J., you’ve really put me off my feed now. I could have gone the rest of my life without seeing a close shot of Rick Perry’s package.

  2. I realize this is a technicality, but I’m pretty sure that John the Baptist’s head on a platter did not do a whole lot of chest pounding.

  3. Joe. My. God. commenters were hysterical and prove again—brevity is the soul of wit.

  4. Marcia in CO says:

    LOL … that picture is just … shameful! Disgusting! Pathetic?! And this guy thinks he’d really like to be the President of the United States? Hopefully this picture alone will haunt him for years to come.

    Tragic … that’s a good word for this picture, too! pRick is pathetic and tragic as are the Benham twins!!

  5. LynnN:
    Thanks for the LOL this morning! I’ll be gigglin’ all day.

  6. Marcia: A tragedy is defined as misfortune that a person, through a flaw of character or conflict with some overpowering force, as fate or society, brings upon himself, like Oedipus.
    That sure defines Rick Perry, doesn’t it?

  7. Lorraine in Spring says:


    Is Rick Perry giving them 3 thumbs up?

    Double Yuck.

  8. Not gay.

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rough crowd here this morning. Doesn’t anyone think it was sweet of pRick to play nice with the gay boys? You know being that he’s not gay and all of that.

  10. betty@georgetown says:

    Lorraine in Spring: Your comment (in an icky kind of way) is the funniest of all. Congratulations!

  11. Oh, yes, the wannabe leader of the free world has, once again, shown his qualifications.

  12. Southern.oregonthatis says:

    So what we have there is two nuts and a pRick? (sorry, mama- was the first thing that came to mind).

  13. Lorraine in Spring says:

    @ betty@georgetown,

    Just look at his face. Have you ever seen such a look of pure comfort and quiet Nirvana?

  14. Marge Wood says:

    Professional martyrdom. Now there’s a career for you. I’ve known a few of those.

  15. Juanita Jean says:

    Well, sadly, it’s become a thing. Click here.

    My favorite:

    It’s all fun and games for Jindal until he realizes that the two great white dopes think that he’s a Mexican and they’re going to throw him across the border.

  16. Marcia in CO says:

    @ Jan .. yes, m’dear, that totally fits!!

  17. barbarainbastrop says:

    Jindal does not look near as comfortable in the arms of the “boys” as pRick does. Must have been a new experience for one of them

  18. Marcia in CO says:

    Jindal and the Twins … what the hell is wrong with these so-called “men?” All of them? ‘Nuff to make you whoops your cookies or at least … lunch!!

  19. That picture is disturbing. Too much “wrong”.

  20. Certainly not presidential material.

  21. @Kallie…… not only “NOT presidential material”.

    Not too presidential looking either.

    Run, Ricky, Run. The whole country needs to see this. 🙂

  22. “These dudes are so far in the closet, the white witch is asking for rent.” was my favorite comment at Joe. My. God.
