Get a Job!

May 20, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Louie Gohmert is plenty damn upset that President Obama is “luring” three year old across the border and they don’t even pay taxes!  What the hell do they think this is?  America?

LouieGohmert:Trash_aSpeaking about the Dream Act, where children brought here by parents can be given citizenship to the only country they’ve ever known if they meet certain criteria – like graduating high school, Gohmert is pitching a hissy fit.

“We have people saying, oh, if we just legalize everybody that is here, all of this new tax money will come flooding in,” Gohmert continued. “There can be no debate that young children who are not working, even if they are legalized, for those who make the argument, gee, look at all the tax money that the Federal coffers will be getting if we just legalize everybody here, that is a bogus argument.”

Yes, the three year old children of undocumented workers don’t have a job.  However, I have noticed that Louie’s pre-school grandchildren don’t have jobs either.  So get those little boogers to work, dammit.  There ain’t no free ride in Gohmertville.

Thanks to Frank for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Get a Job!”

  1. Marge Wood says:

    Maybe he should consider all the extra votes he’d get in east Texas if he got those illegals to move over there and he got them jobs there. Don’t you think Gohmert kind of has a free ride?

  2. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Check his campaign records. He probably has his grand kids on the payroll as a peer review group.

  3. Comprehensive Immigration Reform is too complicated a concept for Loopy Louie to comprehend. We could break it down for him, but he would already be off and running to his next faux outrage. Would state the he has the attention span of a flea, but that would be unfair to fleas.

  4. He just doesn’t get it, does he! California is opening doors not just for the DREAM-ers who qualify for DACA, but everybody, by renovating their state licensing system for every occupation where it is required. This means that the percentage of DREAM kids who are in a public CA college on in-state tuition rates can graduate, go into a licensed occupation, and — whoa, nelly! — earn $$ and pay state income taxes! A percentage of this percentage has already graduated. Now I know that Louie is going to freak out over the existence of legal ID for these kids inasmuch as they do not have Social Security Numbers (they will, Louie, when they re-up every 2 years under the DACA and finally become citizens) but the state is now accepting federal ID numbers where and when necessary as in when these “kids” start their own businesses which is something immigrants seem to do in rather high numbers.

  5. Marcia in CO says:

    I’m all for simply deporting Louie …

  6. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    The stuff that Republicans do can ruin my whole day. I don’t care much what nonsense they spout but when that Cantor-Clown steps up to prevent military service as a legitimate path to citizenship I just want to puke.

  7. PKM: Mark Twain said it best
    “A flea can be trained to do almost anything a Congressman can”

  8. and a parrot can say: tax cut tax cut!!!!

  9. Just re-read that last Louie sentence, the one that starts (erroneously) “There can be no debate….” Does that make anything like sense to you? It doesn’t even make sense I don’t agree with. Something is wrong in that man’s brain. His language centers aren’t hooked up right.

  10. Scrolling down, my first impression of the top of Louie’s head was one of those things they keep showing on Game of Thrones along with all the boobies. Then I saw it was something more appropriate for Louie The Louse. Man, what garbage!

  11. Well, Louie Gohmert certainly has a job. Being a complete total and utter MORON 24/7. And let’s give the devil his due: he does it well.

  12. maryelle says:

    So he wants all the 3 year olds deported?
    I’m confused.

  13. Sad that all workers, documented and otherwise, cannot afford to go out on strike for at least a month. Having a fine mental picture of Loopy Louie stepping on this:

    Rake handle meet rock head.

  14. Marge Wood says:

    “Wingnut to English translator”. I think that would be a good group project for the Beauty Salon. The time would just fly.

  15. Paula Denmon says:

    Rhea. I agree with you. I truly believe there is a physical disconnect between his brain and his mouth. Asparagus? No debate, when obviously there is one. He graduated from A Law School. Could he have been this verbally challenged then? The real question is why do voters keep electing him?
