Georgia On My Nerves

April 02, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, yesterday we heard some either drug or ignorance induced chatter from the Chair of the Georgia Republican Party about gay people.

Today Georgia weighs in on guns.

The Nelson, Georgia city council has met and come up with this —

The Nelson City Council voted 5-0 Monday night to require every household to have a gun and ammunition, unless the residents of the household opt out.

But the new ordinance includes a lot of exemptions, including people with a physical or mental disability, convicted felons and people who conscientiously oppose gun ownership.

I think the key word here is conscientiously.

And I have one question:  who is going to come into my house to check to see that I have the required weapon and ammo?  A government agent?  Joe Bob the crazy city councilman?

In other news, the Nelson City Council reports the theft of their thinking hats.

Thanks to Lindy for the heads up.

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