
December 07, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I watched the debates last night.  Bless Kelly Loeffler’s stone cold heart – she only had 6 answers memorized and if the question didn’t ask an answer she had memorized, it got one of the six she had filed in her stone cold brain.

I don’t mean to be tacky about her personal appearance except for the fact that I don’t believe it’s God’s fault. You gotta work to achieve that look.  The robotic smile between questions totally creeped me out. If she had been in my home doing that, I’d gently guide her to the front door, show her the porch, then slam the door and do the sign of the cross.  I do not know who does St. Peter’s job in hell, but I bet they look like Kelly Loeffler.

Then David Perdue doesn’t even show up to debate.  The man lies so much that he has to get his wife to call the dogs. Perdue uses his senate seat for boost his insider trading.  And just to be gender fair about this, he ain’t no Rock Hudson himself.  And the fact that he’s a sneaky little sumbitch also gives me the willies.

Glen says we are almost full staffed-up and will get our specific assignments soon.  I am so glad we all decided to do this.


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