George Pee

September 15, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

George P Bush, son of a Bush named Jeb, got himself elected Land Commissioner in Texas, a job that pays $137,500.

And he immediately forgot to go to work.  He has been out of state or otherwise off of work nearly half the time since his dad announced for President.  He’s heading up some Youth for Bush things.

While it is not unusual for presidential candidates to take time off to travel the country, it is rarer for surrogates to do so – especially when they are in their first year in elected office and attempting to overhaul an agency that oversees 13 million acres of state public land and the sale of mineral rights to generate billions of dollars for schools.

Well, so he has two jobs (1) Texas Land Commissioner, and (2) getting his dad elected President. In the Bush family tradition, the boy’s failing at both.

Thanks to Craig for the heads up.

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