George Papadopoulous: Innocent Bystander

September 01, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I’m reading Defendant’s Sentencing Memorandum on George Papadopolous.  This is where George’s lawyer tells the judge why George shouldn’t be sent to prison for the rest of his damn life.

It is 16 pages long, but I don’t have to get past the top of the second page to say the WTF words.  It starts off saying that George really didn’t do anything wrong when he mislead federal investigators looking into the fact the Russia meddled in our elections.

Get a load of this:

Mr. Papadopoulos misled investigators to save his professional aspirations and preserve a perhaps misguided loyalty to his master.

Translated: George lied to save his butt, which, they claim, is very different than and far less awful than why other people lie. Other people lie, I suspect, to save their ass. George just lied to save his butt and his “master.”

And Donald Trump is his “Master”? Does that require official paperwork or just a “Slave to Your Heart” tattoo?

Papadopolous is asking for probation. And really, his lawyer argues, just the fact that he’s now a convicted felon is enough punishment. Are you kidding me?  Hey, you have to have ‘convicted felon’ on your resume to get a $300,000 a year job on Fox News. This is an employment opportunity for him.

And then there’s page six where they talk about George’s “giddiness” over Trump’s attention. I can’t talk about that.  Seriously, I can’t.

Need some cheap entertainment?  It’s only 16 pages and in big print.

Thanks to Gray for the heads up.

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