George P Bush
As most of you know, George P Bush (Son of a Jeb) is running for office in Texas. Although he refuses to say what office, his Dad is asking people to give him money to run for Land Commissioner.
What does a Land Commissioner do, you ask?
“The Texas General Land Office serves the schoolchildren, veterans, and all people of Texas by preserving their history, protecting their environment, expanding economic opportunity, and maximizing state revenue through innovative administration and prudent stewardship of state lands and resources.”
George P is a real estate developer. Fox, meet hen house.
He has a website, and typical of the Bushes, it looks real pretty but contains very little.
His campaign treasure is Kit Moncrief, the socialite wife of a Fort Worth oilman, who was also a bundler for Mitt Romney.
So a Bush real estate developer wants to guard Texas land with support from a 1%er.
What could possible be wrong with that?