Geeezzzz … Even God Asked Mary for Permission

October 24, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ya know, when I heard about Indiana Republican senate nominee Richard Mourdock say that pregnancy from rape is “God’s will,” my level of incredulous rose so high that it stopped things – evil things – from happening in my brain.  That’s God’s will to keep my sweet butt out of prison for going all Lorena Bobbitt on Indiana Republican senate nominees.

But that incredulous also kept a scripture out of my head until I was reminded of it this morning by someone gifted with a clear mind.

Luke 1:26-38 says that God Hisownself sent the Angel Gabriel to ask Mary’s permission prior to impregnating her with the Son of God.  The scripture says that Mary answered Gabriel, “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May it be to me as you have said.”

If even God has to ask permission, do you think for one minute that it’s God’s will for mere mortals not to?  And contrary to what they believe, Republican men are, for the most part, mere mortals.  The ones that aren’t just mere mortals are first degree jerks.  True, there are far more of them in the second category.

Republicans are facing forty miles of rough road if they think women are going to give them clubs and willingly go back to the cave.

Can I get an Amen?

And thanks to customer Laura for this great YouTube.

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0 Comments to “Geeezzzz … Even God Asked Mary for Permission”

  1. Sounds as though Mourdock’s version of God is a Republican. Women are to be allowed no choice, but they’ll be left to take care of the child ’cause neither God nor the rapist will.

  2. AMEN! The American Taliban is scary.

  3. Well, perhaps thats what the Constitution was all about. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could all have our own religious (or non-religious) views without someone else trying to jam something else down our throats? You know, that whole “FREEDOM” thing. Wouldn’t that be great? The Republicans don’t think so. Oh, I’m sorry, I used the word “think.” Whoops.

  4. aggieland liz says:

    Hi all, I wound up out of phone range yesterday for quite some time and missed some of the later comments!

    Ralph, I am MORE than flattered; however well disguised you are, you’ve got it between the ears, where it really counts! Also, despite daChip’s heart, I am neither young nor lovely (sigh), but I still contrive to have a lot of fun! It would be very wrong of me to leave poor Mike though, for two reasons: one, he might starve to death, and two, his vision is about 20:600, and he thinks I’m beautiful, poor deluded man. In the morning even! And in August even when I have been working outside in 105+ heat and am half dead and could probably pass as a victim of a subpar embalming!

    Of course there’s that other thing too: all cats look alike in the dark >^..^< !

    Chip, I have laughed til I cried, I never expected anything so wonderful!! 😀 but now you had best go conjure up some beautiful verses for Mrs daChipster before she comes looking for me with a bazooka. My TEETH hurt from laughing!

    Anyway, both you guys have SO made my day! Thank you!

    PS: I hope you heard what our hero had to say – the first two sentences say it all: "Rape is rape. It's a crime."

    I love that man and am very happy for his darling little daughters!

    … STILL laughing 😀 😀 😀 gonna read that poem again…

  5. Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, and Wyoming. These are the states that give rapists the same rights as loving, supportive fathers. Outside of putting them on a short list to be nuked, they had just better grow the bleep up and write some laws taking away the “rights” of rapists. H E double hockey stix! The same states take away any number of other rights of criminals all but this one! What are they trying to tell us? That they support rape?

  6. aggieland liz says:

    Maggie the short answer is yes, they support rape. They don’t believe in rape! It was a mistake or a misunderstanding, it’s not the way she said it was.

    Unless it’s a black man and a white woman and then by God its a hanging offense! And if it’s a Mexican man we’ll just deport that scumbag illegal alien right outta the US of A dammit!

    I’m going back to read my poem again! 🙁

  7. Although this is late to the comments on this thread, the following link offers a meaningful perspective:
