GAO: Trump Violated Federal Law

January 16, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Impeachment, Ukraine Shakedown

This morning the GAO announced its finding that, by withholding military aid to Ukraine against the appropriation passed by Congress, Trump violated federal law.  In issuing it’s opinion, the GAO said, “OMB withheld funds for a policy reason, which is not permitted under the Impoundment Control Act.”

Cue the noise machine, which has already started.


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0 Comments to “GAO: Trump Violated Federal Law”

  1. To quote Doonesbury, they’re all “Guilty, guilty, guilty!”

  2. GAO: Trump Violated Federal Law

    Again. Surprise!

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Vocabulary word for Republicon Senators: complicit. If IQ4.5 is not convicted in the Senate, you are complicit with all of his illegal activities. And, like a rolling snowball, there is a huge mound of his illegal activities at home and abroad. A “present” vote is equal to condoning his activities. Guilty as charged, Mitt. Or, take it back to Utah that you’re all in for crime. Maine to you, Susan Collins.

  4. House members read the articles of impeachment:
    LIVE @noon

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    megasoid@4, the tide has turned. Pens, damn lousy pens – that is what gripes the Republicons. Speaker Pelosi had the audacity to sign the articles of impeachment with pens. If that is all they can find of which to complain, there’s not much left in their quiver. A live reading should send them apoplectic.

    Drip, drip, drip …. Lev Parnas, GAO, … even Nostradumbass can “see” the floodgates about to rupture.

  6. Well,yeah Adam… When you say it like THAT… it does sound bad.

  7. Grandma Ada says:

    I watched the transfer of the articles this morning from House to Senate and I almost wanted to weep. This is the second time in my lifetime this has happened, and the solemnity and seriousness of the articles as read by Rep. Schiff. It was moving.

  8. Jane & PKM @ 5

    i wonder if the CONS will do the same for the acquittal kabuki fete. Maybe it will be quicker than a Kavanaugh slip n’ slide and they’ll just settle for MAGA hats and hamberders in the oval orifice.

  9. Typo there. Should be Offal Office.

  10. Jane & PKM says:

    “I solemnly swear that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment of Donald J. Trump, now pending, I will do impartial justice according to the Constitution and the laws, so help me God.”

    Waiting for Republicons to redefine committing perjury while under oath. Time for a weather event. A couple of well placed lightning bolts into Moscow Mitch and Leningrad Lindsey might turn the herd.

  11. “Trump violated federal law.”

    Well, if no one else is going to say it, I will:
    Lock him up!
    Lock him up!
    Lock him up!

  12. “On Thursday, the GAO stated that faithful execution of the law “does not permit the President to substitute his own policy priorities for those that Congress has enacted into law,…” (see reference below)
    Oh but that quaint and dated idea sailed when Congress and courts allowed the twit’s “signing statements” specifically stating that he would not either enforce entire law (exceptions needed for political expediency) or selective parts.
    So if the twit got away with this all the demented one had to do was issue a secret “signing statement” and he gets off scot free.
    Let’s hear it for the cowardly d cooperation since they never moved impeachment or any other action against the twit thus allowing a precedent to be set. I am confident ag barr would dummy up some post dated documents to protect his patron.
    Once “signing statements” were accepted as “legal” the whole idea of the president being restrained by the law, or the constitition, was filed in the round file, after shredding.

  13. thatotherjean says:

    The GAO announced that Trump violated the law, for all the good it will do. Senate Republicans seem determined to imitate the Three Monkeys: “See no evil; hear no evil; speak no evil” of Trump. They’re as corrupt as he is.

  14. I can’t think of anything of late that I’ve enjoyed as much as Rachel’s interview with Lev Parnas. He looked like he was enjoying it too.

  15. I’m glad that at least 1 aspect of oversight is still functioning.

    But if BLOATUS the first stays in office for another 4 years, that shall change…

  16. At least Nancy did not use a Sharpie…….can you imagine the mess?

  17. Trump called the GAO the GOA in his tweet.

    Trump is twisting in a whirlwind he created with help from the other mobsters.
