
November 21, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

The Matt Gaetz Affair is now history as the miscreant/AG Appointee has now ended his quixotic charge at DOJ leadership.

Stick a fork in him. He’s done.

The endgame is clear, and Gaetz has no further options as a person of significance. It’s too bad it came to such a quick end before the media coined the term ‘Gaetzgate’. That would’ve been fun.

One other thing I’ve noticed. I have a background in pattern recognition in terms of morphology and have theories that I could bore you to tears with. That is a preface to this observation of mine: Matt Gaetz and Pete Hegseth look like they could be brothers.

See what I mean? The other commonality is that, from all reports, they enjoy similar alternative sex practices. This is a classic example of my rule that one’s “ethical content” is expressed externally.

Except for Margaret Hamilton. She was a nice enough person from all reports.


0 Comments to “Gaetzgate”

  1. Question… motor mouth MTG claims she has evidence of magat criminal acts she will divulge if they don’t vote drumpf’s appointees. Is with holding evidence of criminal acts not a crime, or is it OKIYAM?

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Gaetz and Hegseth certainly do have the same evil smirk.
    I believe MTG specified she had dirt on rethugnican congress critters. Will that include boobert and herself? Wish she would follow through on her blackmail.
    On the gaetzter, I’m just a guessin but I expect an almost as despicable AG nominee to follow with the same vengeful agenda and plan to destroy the justice system. Trumpf wouldn’t have it any other way. Probably one of his lawyers, partners in criming.

  3. I saw a comment somewhere that stated that his cabinet wouldn’t be allowed within 100 feet of a school.

  4. thatotherjean says:

    It’s good to know that we’ve dodged the Matt Gaetz bullet—but there are so many more incoming!

  5. Pam Bondi is next pick for AG and she has skeletons in her closet from first failed drumpf administration.

  6. Tedinaustin says:

    He looks like Butthead’s twin to me.

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Bondi was involved with trying to force vote recounts in Florida for repugnanticans and trumpf for several years which endeared her to him. No doubt she’ll carry on his vengeance agenda if confirmed as AG.

  8. Gaetz did his job as a goat and be sacrificed so the real choice can sail through. He will be rewarded.
