Fun With Republicans

June 06, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republicans have a great sense of humor and they take it to Twitter!

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And …

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And the diversity of the crowd at the Texas Republican convention is the real joke.

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0 Comments to “Fun With Republicans”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    #RandPaul Let’s take the fun to 2014, after you and idiots like you inspire the normally complacent sleepy Democratic base to get out, vote, and kick your Teapiglican butts to the curb.

    Thanks for the assist, Sparky/Spankykins.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:


    How is that re-branding and less the “party of stupid” going for you little troopers?

    #Jake “Don’t say we don’t understand women.” Kool beans, Jake. Glad to hear you understand women. So, how about you arrange open mic hours with Wendy Davis and Leticia Van de Putte to allow the ladies to speak for themselves?

  3. I’m seeing about as much understanding on those Publican faces as I’m used to seeing there. You can just see them thinking, “Shut up and make me a sandwich.”

  4. Wa Skeptic says:

    Actually, that should be “Shut up an’ make me a sammich”

    Nice to know where those idiots get their sex ed; at least it’s not behind their pappy’s cows anymore.

  5. Better idea, for every “detainee” we throw in a Tea Partier!

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rhea, I almost feel sorry for Kristian conservatives. They’ll never know the true love of their wives and children. They conflate fear with respect. Obedience with love, and the list is endless of wrong, dudes. Scarborough, the st00pid, who stated flat out, he’d call his boy’s commanding officer, if little Joey was unhappy. Well, #1 little Joey is no more likely to serve than Flatulent Joe.

    It will be interesting to see, if the latest right wing head to explode, Morning Joke, goes into rehab. He’s never answered for the death of Lori Klausutis. And, fwiw, Mr Moral Values has a wife or two like his kookie pal, Gingrich.

    Slow hint boys, before you venture out to lecture to us men, get your own houses in order.

  7. san fraser says:

    And what is with Perry and his “fix the gays” gig? Might equate with women, so must be able to fix. Just like politics.

  8. Mark Johnson says:

    I am particularly disturbed by the tweet from Rand Paul. SENATOR Rand Paul. A sitting US Senator saying that members of the opposing political party are worse than those who attack our country and kill Americans.

    This is beyond the pale.

    And this man wants to be the President. You know, the president of all of us. But he thinks that more than half of us are worse than the Taliban?


  9. Ellie (from NY) says:

    Mark Johnson, he doesn’t really believe that, he just knows his base will cheer when they read it. He doesn’t care about the rest of us.

  10. Um, there are similar photographs in an archive somewhere of Nazis doing something similar to the Piglicans with the magazines. And those superior to everyone else smirks. Man o man, they just never got beyond the frat boy stage! What a bunch of losers!

  11. daChipster says:

    Ya know what they call it when one of these guys tweets?

    ATwit Err.

  12. It is always a little sad when these guys manage to convince themselves that they have a sense of humor.

  13. When they all read Ms. cover to cover, then they can talk to me…and make their own damn “sammichs” while they’re at it.

  14. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Ah, America, where even misogynistic xenophobes can find happiness.

    Is this a great country or what?

    Okay, I’m going with “or what.”

  15. UmptyDump says:

    What the boys are showing to the camera are the covers of leading women’s magazines. What they’re hiding inside is … well … something else again, along with the porn collections in their desks. Such a sorry bunch of horndogs.

  16. UmptyDump says:

    Correction: Adolescent, sniggering, chauvinistic horndogs.

  17. Larry McLaughlin says:

    I like the picture of the Republithug convention. Open mouths, closed minds.

  18. I’m just impressed that they found ONE woman in th crowd to include in the picture! How w much do you suppose she was paid for the photo opp?

  19. maryelle says:

    Republican “jokes” are meant to demean and offend and these are just one more instance of their insensitivity towards the majority of Americans. They just don’t get it.

  20. Teh Gerg says:

    Send them traitors to the American People. I suggest Rand Paul, John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Ryan, and the entire on-air team of Fox News. Traitors all. But far from all of them.

  21. OldMayfly says:

    Back in the mid ’50s as a teen, I got a clerical job in a small manufacturing plant. For a month every morning I walked through the loading dock before going up the stairs to the office.

    For a month every morning the guys in the loading dock told me a different dirty joke. I never responded one way or another.

    Finally, one morning one of the guys said, “She doesn’t get it.”

    I replied, “Oh, I understand what you said. I’ve understood everything you’ve said. I’m waiting for something funny.”

    The poor guys were so taken aback and unhappy that I felt sorry I had popped their balloon.

  22. John Peter Henson says:

    Reading those magazines ,in no way ,helps your understanding of women. Just as reading Popular Mechanics will not help you understand men. Dumb photo op…..that’s what those magazines were for.

  23. Here’s the deal you anal apertures: Women who aren’t beaten down by the males in their lives understand you and mean to fight back at the ballot box.

    Get out there and vote, ladies!! “we got the powah” let’s USE it.

  24. 1smartcanerican™ says:

    Biggomama, you are so correct! If ALL the women actually went out and voted, we would have a far better governing body representing us. So let’s do it! We can change ’cause “we got the powah” for sure 🙂

  25. Why is it when Republican reps find a need to bring themselves up to date with the issues, the first thing they think of is the latest issue of a magazine?

    I take issue with that.

  26. Marge Wood says:

    Hey, I saw TWO young folks in the first picture. Possibly three. Amazing.

  27. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Biggomama and 1smartcanerican™ having seen what governance by grumpy old white men has done to our country, am all for you ladies bringing on the “hope and change.” Thinking we men should form an alliance with you ladies. MaaM = Men allied against Misogyny. May we join you?

    Marge Wood, those weren’t young people as you and normal people know them. Just the future Tfucker’s hanging onto their Pappy koching up to Pops for a new BMW. The trust fund babies of the “tethered society” are never found far from their Daddy’s belt loops or Mommy’s apron strings, in Tfucker’s case.

    To be clear, there’s not a man jack among us who did not succeed without the guidance of a parent or two, grandparent, or a mentor. (special credit to the *women who married us and make the run fun) Forgive a sports metaphor, but we took the ball we were handed and ran with it, while the Tfucker’s took the ball to the bank and are still looking for a magic code to return to the times of fiefdoms.

    *Credit, too, to the partners of all committed couples who provide the love and lift to succeed. Go Blue Texas, Rally Equality!

  28. 1smartcanerican™ says:

    Of course you can join us Polite Kool Marxist, along with your wife! You are truly an enlightened person and thus ready to help turn our country blue next election.

  29. e platypus onion says:

    Let’s give the Taliban Rand Paul and Ted Cruz for nothing and throw in the entire rest of the wingnut party to keep them. Within 48 hours the Taliban will sue for mercy.

  30. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    e platypus onion, one of my favorite, no correction my Mom’s favorite, short stories to read us kids from O Henry “Ransom of Red Chief”, when my Mom took my toddler butt on her knee and explained life to me. (no spanking, just reading, Mom knew how to drive the guilt train) The movie “Home Alone” expressed the concept well, too. No joke, when Dad came home from work, my 2 year old self tackled him about the knees and begged him to pay the ransom. Dad was cool, too. He knew the difference between happy boy greeting Daddy and guilty boy being first to the door.

    As for the two doofii you mentioned, serious waste of air travel. Let’s just bus them into Mexico to inspect the border from the other side. Can’t build a good fence, without proper measurements on both sides.

    Or, heck, let’s just all meet for a pinata party in TX, raise those two boys high in the air, fill their inflated suits with candy and let real kids have fun.

  31. Marge Wood says:

    Have you seen their platform yet?

  32. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Marge Wood, the splintered right back at them. TX GOP platform is a ton of planks aimed right back at them.

    GMAB RWNJs You wanted President Obama to rescue Sgt B. President Obama did it with diplomacy, no loss of troops. Now the clown car led by Failure McCain wants to complain about what they wanted? Sorry, goofy dumb Repigs “live at 5” dumber dumb. President Obama got our man home safe.

    Screw McCain, Ms Lindsey and all the potty non serving ‘generals.’

  33. Zyxomma says:

    Hmmmm. What do you think it would take to get EVERY TX woman (18 years and up) to VOTE?

  34. Jon Stewart had an interesting take on gun rights.

    Open Carry Texas has every right to take guns into restaurants even though they know it frightens people.

    And Stand Your Ground gives anyone who is in fear for their life the right to respond with lethal force.

    Apparently it would be entirely legal for an Open Carry fan to take his gun into a restaurant and for any patron there to shoot him dead on the spot.
