Fun With Guns: Winkie Edition

September 27, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Welcome to South Dakota, where there’s some explainin’ to do.

South Dakota man is currently in custody after telling police officers he was shot in the penis by a “black guy” when he actually shot himself while attempting to purchase a gun illegally.

I mean, there’s hardly anything else to tell except that Miss Karma is having giggling fits.

Donald Watson is a 43 year old white convicted felon and showed up at the emergency room with a gunshot wound to the oh dear God.  He told the police that he was shot by “a black guy (who) tried to rob” him while he was taking out the trash at his apartment.

The police went back to try to solve this crime and found no blood around the supposed crime scene.  It was then that a neighbor told the police that he heard “screams of pain coming from Watson’s apartment about 1 a.m. that morning.”  They got a search warrant for the apartment and found bullet fragments in Watson’s bed.

However, no gun was found. So either he wasn’t alone in bed at 1:00 am or he took the trouble to hide the gun before going to the emergency room.

Watson, two days after surgery, changed his story.  There was no black guy, but there was a whole lot of garbage.

Thanks to Glen and Ralph for the heads up.

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