Fun With Guns: “When Did The Bowel Movement Actually Happen, Sir” Edition

December 10, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

We appreciate Kentucky’s entry into our Fun With Guns contest.

A guy goes to the restroom in an upscale restaurant and puts his gun on top of the toilet paper roll because I guess that seems like the logical place to put it.

Of course it goes off and hits him in the leg.

The police believe his story —

Evidence such as bullet trajectory supported the man’s description of events, Neary said.

— because who the fool tarnation would make up a story like that?

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns: “When Did The Bowel Movement Actually Happen, Sir” Edition”

  1. What fool indeed! Those fellow fools who feel the need to bring their gun in the bathroom may not be sleeping well tonight. One can only hope they’re all ODing on Imodium.

  2. Never give up your gun even to a TP holder!

  3. What’s wrong with Kentucky’s upscale restaurants anyway that somebody even had a gun in there?

  4. Hey, those of us in the Bluegrass are trying to keep up with Texas.

    I mean, Ron Paul, Mitch, and now men’s rooms.

    I think we’re keeping up pretty good.

    I have a better analysis about men holding guns in restrooms, but in deference to Mama…

  5. I wonder if this guy has health insurance.

  6. Mama, we sure are glad you’re hanging out here, keeping some sense of order, grin. Now kin I have another cookie pleeeeze? I only had nine.

  7. Well, I just had to go an search for the article. This reads pretty hilariously and there’s a video too! Guess he got his 15 minutes . . .

  8. I’m guessing the gun was the only large caliber item available to hold.

    Also, I’ve decided to rename toilet paper Tea Party, just because.

  9. Oh, shoot!

    I just had to say that, didn’t I!

  10. And the gun was loaded because he thought he might have a shoot-out at any moment, maybe over access to the soap dispenser…?

  11. Thanks for the link, Jane E. The article includes a joke about the people in the restaurant having heard him being warned about squeezing the Charmin. Mr Wipple does it again.

  12. if this had happened in texas the permit holder would be subject to arrest as most(if not all upscale eateries) sell alcohol at their place of business

  13. Hippie in the Hollar says:

    Kentucky? Oh noes…..sigh am going to bang head on sumthin.

    Hippie in the Hollar.

    The good news is no snakes were handled.

  14. Corinne Sabo says:

    Which of his 3 legs did he hit?

  15. Restaurant employee:

    No, no NO!

    TP is used to clean up the mess, not to make one!

  16. Corinne, we could hope that he rendered himself unable to breed, but we rarely get that lucky.

  17. Juanita Jean: You need to start tagging or categorizing your posts. It would be nice to have a quick way to get to all the “Fun With Guns” posts.

  18. Oh gosh, just when I started to empathize with this guy, I’m overcome with the sense of stupidity that got him into this situation. When the gentleman unbuckled his belt the weight of the holstered gun pulled the belt downward. (Gravity an all.) His reaction apparently was to unholster his weapon and then look around for the least stable most recarious perch for his weapon. AH HA, THE ROLL. Although they didnt say I suspect the weapon was a revolver, which discharged when it fell and hit the floor. My dear wife said it serves him right for squeezing the Charmin.

  19. e platypus onion says:

    He had a tapeworm and the doctor told nim to shove two rotten eggs and a cookie where the sun don’t shine for a week and on the eight day shove two rotten eggs,but no cookie. When the tapeworm comes out asking for his dessert then blast the liitle varmint. Law of the jungle-kill or be killed,eat or be eaten.
