Fun With Guns: When Dick Cheney Isn’t Handy

July 15, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A Michigan woman shot herself in the face.  With a damn shotgun.  Sounds impossible, doesn’t it?

Imagine you’re a police officer …

Upon arrival, deputies found that a family dispute had taken place and the victim, a 51-year-old woman, told officers that she had taken a shotgun out to “make a point.”

She told police she slammed the butt end on the floor, the gun discharged, and she was shot in the face.

I think she made her point. Don’t be jacking around with a shotgun.

It was 10:00 am on a Monday.  Helluva way to start the week.

Thanks to Irene for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns: When Dick Cheney Isn’t Handy”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Must be the redneck version of the power point presentation.

    Really NRA can’t you teach effective gun safety? Simple basics like a gun has one purpose, no horse play, always treat a gun as if it’s loaded and ready to take off your silly head. And, how about a cleaning class 101 that begins with knowing when your weapon is truly unloaded.

    In my perfect world background checks would be accompanied by proof of attendance and graduation from a certified gun safety class.

    My beautiful valley girl wife married a rancher. One of the first things she did was take a safety course, then spent some time with me asking loads of questions and satisfying herself that she was comfortable with the guns. We keep ours vaulted and seriously hope they never come out of the vault, because we have them for one purpose only, to euthanize an animal, if a veterinary is not immediately available to do so in an emergency.

    No, we don’t shoot cans off the fence to keep our skills updated. We use safe ranges, where we won’t ‘accidentally’ hit the postwoman, an innocent rabbit or our own cattle.

  2. I’m wondering what point she was making that required hauling out a shotgun and slamming the butt end on the floor.

    Rule #1: A gun is ALWAYS loaded. At least that’s the way you should handle them.

  3. maryelle says:

    And she must have cocked it, then she cocked it all up! Criminal negligence.

  4. There’s a lot I could say but have said it in previous “accidental shooting” post comments. DANG, these people are dumb. DANG, the laws are stupid. My mother went her whole LIFE without shooting anything she wasn’t aiming to hit.

    So have I.

  5. A Michigan woman, huh? Wow! That shotgun probably did not belong to her. All the women I know in Michigan who hunt would never have done this kind of stunt and that is exactly what it was. Unfortunately, despite the loss of her face, I don’t think she learned a damn thing. Ten to one she is blaming whoever inspired her to take out the shotgun.

  6. She took the shotgun out to make a point…the point being that she’s a total idiot. She really wanted to win that Darwin award too!

  7. She was just taking a selfie with a gun.

  8. “Must be the redneck version of the power point presentation”

    KPM wins today!

  9. Marge Wood says:

    Good grief.
