Fun With Guns: Whacking Fish With Your Gun Edition

March 26, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

No, no, we said FISH fight, not fist fight.



I’m not a fishing authority or anything, but the times I’ve been, a fishing pole is a tad safer.

Thanks to Patti for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns: Whacking Fish With Your Gun Edition”

  1. Darwin award?

  2. I had to watch that twice inasmuch as I couldn’t believe my eyes! This is where stupid reaches a new level!

  3. That fish has great aim!
    And s/he hasn’t even crawled out of the muck onto dry land yet!
    If Climate Change does us in, the future of life on Earth may lie with the natural instincts of that fish.

  4. Grandma Ada says:

    Shot in the brain?

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Among those “stable geniuses,” hunting with Cheney would be considered an instructional video.

  6. Yes… yes, he did drop the gun and run like hell when the fish darted past him. I have no idea what he thought he was doing in the first place.

  7. slipstream says:

    “Shot in the gut, and you’re to blame
    You give fishing a bad name.”

  8. Coprolite says:

    JJ you note “…but the times I’ve been, a fishing pole is a tad safer.”

    You have never been “combat” fishing on the Kenai River during the summer salmon runs. Safety glasses or sunglasses are necessary fishing equipment.

  9. treehugger says:

    Is there a Darwin award for people who didn’t die but are too stupid to live?
