Fun With Guns: Well, That’s One Way To Get a Clerk’s Attention Edition

November 24, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Darlington, South Carolina.

Police responded to a gun accident at a pawn shop / gun store. (They probably also sell ice and wedding dresses, too, because South Carolina likes that one-stop shopping stuff.)

Now, Police Chief Daniel Watson like to be very gender careful …

Watson said a person inside the store picked up a gun without realizing it was loaded.

He said that person pulled the trigger accidentally, shooting a worker in the store.

Watson said two detectives reviewed surveillance video and it showed that the shooting was clearly an accident.

The injuries were not life threatening, and no charges will be filed.

They apparently repealed Felony Dumb back when Mark Sanford was governor.

The police chief then reminded everyone to always treat any gun as if it is loaded.  (See: Felony Dumb)


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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns: Well, That’s One Way To Get a Clerk’s Attention Edition”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Two dumbs don’t equal smart, for sure. While it’s a rule of thumb to treat all weapons as loaded, why did the store have a loaded weapon available for any moron to grab?

  2. Charles R Phillips says:

    Two words; South Carolina.

  3. Cleaning up the gene pool one bullet at a time.

  4. Another reminder: treat any gun as if guns kill people

  5. Don’t forget bait at this SC emporium…

  6. Hunting in a baited kill zone is just not sporting even if the laudable goal is to clean up the shallowest parts of the gene pool.

  7. Leaving loaded guns for one’s customers’ convenience is an interesting approach to Store security

  8. James Petigru’s statement still holds.
    “South Carolina is too small to be a nation and too large to be a lunatic asylum.”

  9. That “no life threatening” thing bugs the bleep out of me. Getting shot, even if it didn’t hit a vein, artery, organ or bone is still a life threatening situation. Damn! It reminds me of those newspaper stories of rape long, long ago where it was claimed that no one was seriously injured!

  10. Anyone who does that should be banned for life from ever touching a firearm again. “Stupid is as stupid does,” to quote Forrest Gump.

  11. Store clerk’s falling words, “Can I put that bullet on your credit card?”

  12. If you kill someone accidentally, isn’t it still manslaughter? So if you shoot someone “accidentally” through being an idiot, shouldn’t that be an arrestable offense? And if you leave loaded guns lying around your store for your dumb-as-dirt customers to pick up and play with, should there not be some slap-slap for that?

  13. Don’t think it’s manslaughter in the Carolinas unless the shooter is LGTB.

  14. Was the customer Dick Cheney?

  15. I don’t care for cliches, but who might be dumb (the shooter?) and who would be dumber (the store personnel?) comes to mind.

    How easily the person shot could’ve been someone not involved with firearms, or even a child…

  16. e platypus onion says:

    and for a quarter more you could have supersized the hole in me.

    Next up is the guy in Penns. who touched off a round at a white blob on his property 200 yards away after dark believing it was a deer. She was someone’s dear. Her hubby got to ride to the hospital as she slowly died. Poor dear was out walking her dogs in the quiet evening.

    No charges had been filed as of yet. I wonder if the homeowner filed a notch on his dear slayer..
