Fun With Guns: WalMart Shooter Edition

February 26, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, here we go at WalMart in California.

A 27 year old dude is standing in front of WalMart, minding his own business when he gets shot in the leg.  I imagine he was plenty rite because he said “he had no idea who shot him.”

There’s laws about using WalMart customers for target practice, even if it is an attempt to clean to gene pool.  Besides, WalMart customer season doesn’t open until June in California.

Of course, there’s a hitch to the story.

The man was treated at an area hospital and he was later released. Investigators found that evidence at the scene did not support the victim’s statement to officers, Fuhrmann said; he did not elaborate.

In a follow-up interview, the man revealed he had a gun when it accidentally went off and he shot himself in the leg.

I do not know if charges will be filed against the gun.

Thanks to Sarah for the heads up.

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