Fun With Guns: Walmart Daily Double

September 05, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Thank you, Michigan.

So there’s just one notebook left on the shelf at Walmart and school is fixing to start.

Your 20 year old daughter sees someone reaching for the notebook, so a grabbing match ensues complete with cussin’ and hair pullin’.

So what do you do? You reach in your purse and pull out your gun, of damn course.


The police detective investigating the case spoke to the media.

“It was a senseless act of violence all the way around.” Police are now working with prosecutors to try to determine whether the woman’s actions could be classified as self-defense. She had a valid concealed gun license.

Yeah, well, I can certainly see that – hair pullin’ could be serious bodily injury.  You know, we don’t have that problem in Texas.  We have big hair and if you stick your hand in there, you’re liable to lose it in the AquaNet.  We kinda let nature take care of hair assault.

On the upside, the gun toting momma ended up with the notebook and checked out of the store with it.  There’s that.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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