Fun With Guns: WalMart Bathroom Stall Edition

July 16, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Yep.  Good Ole WalMart in South Carolina.

A Smith and Wesson revolver with five live rounds was discovered on the toilet paper dispenser in the last stall of the men’s restroom at WalMart.

But here’s the best part:

Some time later, a man called police about the gun, the report states. He described the gun to officers and explained he left it in the bathroom. Police instructed him to report to the police department on Monday to pick up his firearm.

They’re going to give him the damn gun back.

What?  Were Sollozzo and Captain McCluskey eating spaghetti in the WalMart dining room or something?

Thanks to Brian for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns: WalMart Bathroom Stall Edition”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    OK. So the RW ammosexuals don’t want gun registration, safety or anything government offers to save them from their own st00pidity.

    Could we try this: require gun sellers to include a holster with every hand gun?

    Yipe. Every time one of these morons shoves a gun into their pants, sorry Mama, but they cause me some sympathy pain.

  2. “require gun sellers to include a holster with every hand gun?”

    I disagree. Obviously these idiots don’t care. If they can’t afford a holster then they should leave their guns at home. Instead, they prefer to shove it down their pants and as far as I’m concerned if the gun goes off and hits them in some vital area, then that’s one less idiot contributing to the gene pool. I wouldn’t even consider it an accident as they deliberately created that event by their actions.

  3. maryelle says:

    Another case of criminal negligence. That guy should have been fined and the gun confiscated.

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    glf, I defer to you and will wear a cup, when reading the “Fun with Guns” messages.

    You are correct. A holster would prevent these morons from premature discharges where they most deserve it.

    Totally agree with your wishes that these morons 2nd Amendment themselves out of existence.

    So, maybe holsters aren’t the answer. But what can we do do protect the innocent and ensure these morons inflict all their st00pidity on their own st00pid selves?

    How about a gun catheter combination? Just a little something to improve their aim at those teeny wienie targets.

    Oh lordy, my wife is chiming in with better suggestions. Equip their ammosexual extensions with laser guided accuracy. Ouch, don’t know how many of the ammosexuals would agree to the necessary chipping to keep the world safe from their st00pid.

    glf, Jane and I own guns. Properly vaulted guns for which we are both proficient and hope never to use, because it would mean one of our animals needs to be put down and a veterinary is not available to help them fast enough.

  5. Sadly, there doesn’t seem to be a legal penalty for being “armed while stupid.” Unless you shoot your own nadgers off, and then the ER staff would probably have to hand you the gun back, still loaded.

    Isn’t there a law about endangering the public? What if some kid had picked it up and tried it out on the next person to walk into the mens’ room?

    Forget holsters– how about a neck chain?

  6. Dang! What if some youngling found that thing before the absent minded owner reported it missing. Or if some really nasty gangbanger got hold of it. I hope the cops give him a damn hard time when he shows up to claim the gun. He needs to bring all the paperwork involved when he bought the thing and if he doesn’t have it or it is so decayed it can’t be legible, well, he’s just got another problem, doesn’t he!

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Done, so done maggie with morons who cannot safely protect their own weapon in a safe responsible manner.

    Screw the NRA, we need a Constitutional Amendment declaring st00pid a felony. Save us the cost of impeachment processes and as a bonus clean out most of the TX Congress varmints, the 5-4 Corporate Clown Court, and as a special enhancement to our friends in Texas, we’ll (NV) gladly toss in our Heck, Heller and Loopy Louie clone, Amodei.

    maggie, you and so many others can anticipate the tragedy. That a child didn’t enter that restroom and find that gun was a tragedy averted. Unfortunately, it was pure DUMB luck. That that fool will be repatriated with his weapon? Insane!

    New Rule, your gun not under your control at all times, you lose, you st00pid moron. No more guns and FELONY, your dumb azz doesn’t get to vote. But, I’m a nice guy and lucky for you, a fiscal conservative. Ergo no jail time for you; get your lazy mooching ass on the job. Now, Goober, or the rest of the sane nation will allow your whack-o- bird politicians to find some real estate and take you with them.

  8. Marge Wood says:

    I can always count on keeping up with gun stupidity here at Miz JJ’s. Keep on keepin’ on, Miz JJ. I just hope none of us or our families get crossways of folks who have this THING about carrying guns around. I know what you think about men who carry guns around. What about the women who are lugging around a gun in one hand and a little kid in the other?

  9. It’s South Carolina. What more do you need to know?

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Marge Wood, “What about the women who are lugging around a gun in one hand and a little kid in the other?”

    At a guess st00pid Republicans or flat out crazy Tea Baggers.

    Guns and alcohol, crazy. Sports and alcohol, suicidal. Children and guns, criminal.

  11. It’s a good reason to avoid WalMart. (There are others, but the number of “accidental” gun discharges in WalMarts are certainly mentionable.)

  12. I suspect that if I left my pet death adder in a public stall in Walmart the local authorities would not be so eager to return her to me.

  13. Elizabeth, this is one of the absolute biggest reasons I do so much shopping on line. If the brick and block retailers don’t realize why they are losing the walk in buyers, then thats their problem!

  14. daChipster says:

    Props on the Godfather reference. That was a sweet bit of writing, there.

  15. Lorraine in Spring says:

    I wish these people would leave their stupid at home when going out in public.

    Good Grief.

  16. Whatever happened to “Finders keepers, Losers weepers” with the police being the de jure Finders and therefore keepers in these cases?

  17. Zyxomma says:

    I have never bought anything in a Walmart, and never shall. I have been in a Walmart exactly once. Elder sister needed a swimsuit for a cruise, and Walmart carried her size (this was before the gastric bypass). No Walmart for me; I content myself with visiting the People of Walmart website for spits and giggles.
