Fun With Guns: Uncomfortable Edition

June 03, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It’s in Kansas.

A man named Gary Atherton shows up to watch a high school graduation ceremony.  He has a gun in his sock.  To the shock of anyone who has ever carried a gun in their damn sock, it was uncomfortable.

So, he’s twitching all around trying to get comfortable and …

They say it was uncomfortable and he was making an adjustment when the gun went off. Atherton was shot in the foot and a woman at the ceremony was hit by the ricochet.

Police say the accidental discharge of Atherton’s gun occurred in an area of bleachers at Hillier Stadium, where the outdoor commencement was held.

Hence, forevermore he shall be known as Butt Ignorant Limpin’ Gary.

He’s earned it.


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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns: Uncomfortable Edition”

  1. Maybe he thought all those people in the funny hats were furiners

  2. Rastybob says:

    To bad he didn’t carry it in his hat.

  3. He should have carried it in his tighty whities. At least then when he shot something off he’d do the gene pool a favor.

    If some jackwagon’s idiot gunshot richocheted into me, I’d ask the paramedics if I could beat him unconscious with the damn thing before they treated me. I was going to say “beat him senseless,” but that would be redundant.

  4. Having a gun in your sock may be uncomfortable, but getting shot in the foot is probably more uncomfortable.

    I hope the woman who was shot sues him. Gun owners should be required to have insurance just as car owners are.

  5. maryelle says:

    Rhea, I commend your distinction. He started out senseless.
    I suspect he was never a high cool graduate, given his level of intelligence. Another case of criminal negligence, which should require that he never own another weapon, including a toenail clipper.

  6. Off topic, but the Brazos River flooding near Monaville is featured in before-and-after satellite photos on Earth Observatory’s photo of the day:

  7. two crows says:

    Wow. For the first time in history [well, MY history anyway] the term “shot himself in the foot” isn’t an allegory.

    And OF COURSE it happened in Kansas. I lived there from the age of 10 till I moved out of my parents’ home and I speak from experience. On average, the population is dumber than a sack of rocks. This is actually the second illustration of just how dumb they are. The first is Brownback.

  8. Texas Expat in CA says:

    At least he’s being charged with crimes. In all too many of these “accidents,” the idiot gets off scot-free.

  9. TrulyTexan says:

    Most carry states also specifically do not prosecute for reckless endangerment (referred to as accidental discharge) and do not usually support civil suits for who they shoot. Basically they are saying you can carry a gun and shoot whomever you want, as long as it was an “accident”.
    We just had a 7 year old girl killed by a “stray” bullet from someone shooting at someone else. Funny how few accidental stabbings or baseball bat attacks you hear about. When I hear a little girl was smashed in the head from across the street while sleeping in her bed, I’ll believe guns are not the problem. Until then, the only safe gun is one that is unloaded and locked away from those stupid enough to think they can use it.

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Fidgety Fool Gary becomes azagoro’ne Gary. If he’d stored his shooter in his waistband he would have become bezhig Gary. (loosely translated from my smattering knowledge of the Paiute languages, that would be ‘two toe’ or ‘one ball’)

    As with vehicles, I support Gary’s foolish right to drop his collision insurance (and fully own his own medical expenses), but liability insurance should be mandatory for ammosexuals.

  11. LynnN–I’m with you. I can’t imagine why the insurance industry hasn’t jumped on this as a great source of income from all those truly responsible gun owners (I really do believe they exist) who would have to be insured but would never cost the companies anything. I mentioned it to a friend who lives away from the city and was concerned that the gun her family keeps for protection from predator animals might get too high, but I figure the insurance would be adjusted for place and use, just as their farm vehicles are. Then she thought it would be a fine idea.

  12. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    Just this week the Big Kahuna at the NRA advised a crowd to hide their guns in children’s bedrooms. Yes, yes…he did say that.

    Following that recipe: Loaded guns babysit a 10-year old boy left alone while dad often leaves home late at night to peep in girls’ windows .

  13. What? No ankle holster? This guy was that cheap?

  14. Elizabeth Moon says:

    It’s particularly stupid for carry states NOT to prosecute cases of reckless, careless behavior with guns, esp. when people are injured or killed.

    But then nobody said carry states’ governments were smart.

  15. Begonia Buzzkill says:

    Are they now safe from tyranny? “10 hurt in accidental shotgun discharge at St. Charles Sportsmen’s Club” <— has a VAST list of Fun with Guns recent victims.

    My "Drunken Mormon" upstairs neighbor recently asked me to enter his apartment to seek an extra car key. Spotted a gun on his coffee table, a giant clear bag chock full of .38 caliber ammo and an empty bottle of scotch. (stupid me thought bullets were sold in boxes). Since that day, I can't stop visualizing that drunk idiot sitting on his sofa either cleaning or loading that gun which would result in yet another "I didn't know it was loaded" quote on a police report. My bed is under the trajectory of where his testosterone toxic drunk ass would drunkenly fumble with his gun. My friends think I'm overreacting because I want to move my bed to the living room. Fear is a learned behavior.
