Fun With Guns: Touchdown! Edition

September 15, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Wichita knows the importance of football.

UnknownPolice are still looking for the men who they said threatened a youth football league coach with a gun and then began beating him after a dispute over playing time. The coach’s wife pulled out a gun and fired it in the air to scare the men away.

You might want to go read the whole story because it was a redneckapoolza.  Brass knuckles, women hollering, guns flashing, hair pulling — things you generally only find at a redneck wedding.

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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns: Touchdown! Edition”

  1. “things you generally only find at a redneck wedding”

    Or at any party with the Palins attending.

  2. SomedayGirl says:

    Dang it all, Cheryl beat me to it…lol

  3. Good Gawd.

  4. State pride is involved. We Texans think we own football. To top those folks in Kansas some Texas kid’s momma may actually shoot someone rather than firing a warning shot. Just hope she recognizes winging some redneck will suffice.

  5. So THREE people had guns, and two drew them in an area full of kids and other innocent people, a bunch of grown men decided to beat up a youth football coach, and so the coach’s wife fired her gun in the air, and the coach went and got his and waved it around thereateningly. Does that idiot woman think the bullet went into orbit and will never come down? That firing into the air is safe?

    STUPID! IRRESPONSIBLE! I’m glad the police confiscated the two guns of those who drew them, but I hope they find the out-of-control guys who beat up on the coach.

  6. I was going to ask if the Palin clan were there….

  7. Taken the facts as stated, I expect a lack of rational behavior from someone after having been treated to a gang beating with a side of brass knuckles. However, I’m not seeing how more armed people was helping here.

    I’m also not seeing where this society is becoming more polite as the number of armed people increases…

  8. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    RepubAnon, to the ammosexuals “polite” means doing things their way. Observe how our Congress acts; they can’t have a civil discussion and move forward on the many pressing needs facing the US.

    Democrats, I beg you, vote like you’ve never voted in a midterm election. Replace the Teabag governors and Congress critters and take back your state legislatures from the crazies.

  9. What a bunch of maroons! And since someone mentioned them, the feeling around here about the brawl in Alaska involving the Palins is that they are now off of many Repunkican Christmas card lists.

  10. There’s this stuff called ‘gravity’ that ensures that a bullet fired into the air will come down someplace, generally moving very fast.

    Or do some folks in Texas just not believe in gravity? I mean, it is one of those sciencey things.

  11. There seems to be a belief–in multiple states and across national boundaries–that shooting up in the air is safe because you aren’t aiming at a specific person. I think they think God plucks those loose bullets out of the air, but people have been killed that way.

    Now if the lady needed to break up the fight with her gun, shooting into the ground at an angle that would not ricochet might have gotten the bullies’ attention long enough to realize they had better skedaddle. And if she and coach could make it to their car, the thing to do was get in, slam the doors, and drive away.

    (Admittedly, my background suggests that shooting the bullies, nonfatally, would have made it easy to identify them, but still–best not to injure anyone and get the heck out of Dodge.)

  12. In 2005, some jackass went outside to shoot his gun into the air to celebrate half-time at the Superbowl. The bullet hit a transformer and blew out the cable to over 1200 homes here in Arizona. What do you bet the dude is still hiding under a bed somewhere!

  13. Charlie Ammen says:

    There was a black woman not too long ago who fired a warning shot to scare her abusive ex-husband away, and got sentenced to lengthy jail time. Did anyone file charges against the coaches wife?

  14. As Elizabeth said, people have been killed that way. A toddler sleeping in his crib was killed a couple of years ago by New Year’s Eve “celebratory gunfire” here in Atlanta.

  15. And we wonder at the less than sterling character of SOME of the players in football leagues up to and including the NFL.

    Speaking of which: does the NFL have a concealed carry policy? (Just wondering…)

  16. Polite Kool Marxist just gave me a great idea! Let’s arm the politicians! But only while in session. the Sgt@Arms can issue them pistols when they walk onto the floor, and take them back when they leave the room.

    Yes, we’d have to pay for more special elections, but wouldn’t it really liven things up?


  17. LynnN, I think you’re right. Like that evil-lution, gravity is just a theory, after all.

  18. Isn’t it nice to have people with concealed carry licenses carrying loaded firearms around our children when they are assembled for group play activities? Don’t we all feel safer that these self-anointed guardians of our youngsters’ safety are carrying these lethal devices within a few feet (and sometimes inches) of our children? If I am a parent whose child wants to play in a youth football or baseball or soccer league, am I endangering him or her every time we go to a game? Why is it that today I fell a lot less safe watching my grandkids play sports than than a couple decades ago when I watched my kids do the same thing? Do I have to look around at the others in the crowd and try to judge who has weaponry and the inclination to use it in such surroundings? This is simply madness.If we are a free country, am i not entitled to be free of such fear?

  19. Only 4 Palin remarks?!?!?

  20. Let’s make it 5. Remember when ole Sassy Palin used to superimpose bull’s eyes on pictures of her political opponents?
    This situation is a natural extension of the “guns solve everything” philosophy. Once again, a big thanks to John McCain for giving this airhead a political platform.
    That would be the last youth football game in which my child would ever play.

  21. @maryelle: Right there with ya. By the time my boys were old enough to play sports I had seen enough aging NFL players drooling on their walkers to understand that repeated concussions were a very bad thing. Especially when contrasted with 60+yo tennis players and golfers seemingly still having a great time. In high school, my boys took dates to football games, lettered in tennis, and later, one got a couple years of scholarship money playing tennis at San Diego State.

  22. Elise Von Holten says:

    Sigh. I can’t take it. Volunteering at the Ronald McDonald house, watching stressed out parents be there for their sick kids makes me wonder at the insanity of saving the babies so they can be shot at for NO GOOD reason.
    We need more love in the world. Not more BS trailer park behavior.

  23. You know MORE guns is just not the answer to every question.
