Fun With Guns: Speaking of Barrels Edition

November 03, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m not saying that a Cracker Barrel in Florida is the whitest most redneck place on the damn planet. No, wait. That’s exactly what I’m saying.

Last Sunday at about 8:30 am a guy dropped his holstered gun while walking past a fireplace at the Cracker Barrel.

According to investigators, the gun owner, who was a customer at the restaurant, was walking up to pay his bill when a loud popping noise was heard. Investigators believe the gun fell out of its holster as the man walked past a fireplace in the restaurant.

The bullet hit an innocent guy in the calf as he was enjoying his pancakes.

A customer commented to the media …

“Waitress came over with a towel and wrapped it, she put pressure on it and my wife called 911. I’m just happy it didn’t injure any of my family members that were with me, my son and my wife,” the witness told WESH 2 News.

I think we all kinda feel that way.

Here’s the best part.

The Seminole County Sheriff’s Department said the shooting was accidental. The gun owner will not be charged. Investigators said he has a valid concealed weapons permit.

If I have to carry liability insurance on my car, then you should be required to carry liability insurance on your gun.

According to other witnesses, they still have not identified the good guy with a gun who would have kept this from happening.


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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns: Speaking of Barrels Edition”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Police in some municipalities have car seat days, where they instruct in the proper installation and use of car seats. Often merchants donate car seats, too.

    Maybe holster day for ammosexuals? Seems these klutzie klowns shoot more people dropping their weapons than actually taking aim.

  2. e platypus onion says:

    Ammosexuals need to get together with othersexuals and produce more good guys with guns pretty pronto. It’ll be at least 21 years before the baby good guys are old enough to have concealed carry permits. No time to waste,fellas.

  3. @JJ

    Your post may be prophetic.

    When a money-grubbing industry such as insurance sees an opportunity to grub a BUNCH more money from an apparently well-heeled, needs insuring group such as 2A-mmosexuals, then a 2A-mmosexual liability policy is not far behind.


  4. I suggest that congress propose such a law requiring universal liability insurance for gun owners. As part of the law, to assure the broadest coverage with the lowest rates, that it sets up insurance exchanges and call it Cruzcare…. or Cheneycare….

  5. Sue the dimwitted idiot ammosexual!
    And you are right ! If cars need insurance, gun definitely need it! Cars at least have a purpose, guns are nothing but penis enlargements!

  6. Micr, from your lips, etc….

  7. Old Mayfly says:

    Good idea, Mel. I’d call the insurance exchange the “Oops Fund.”

  8. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    L.Long, we have guns, but they are working tools of the trade here. However, I wouldn’t mind adding them to our homeowner’s policy and a liability policy. As with vehicle insurance, expect the rates would reflect the safe storage and use.

    As for suing the dimwitted ones …. for what? Their unrestored and inoperative ’57 Chevy or rights to their wife. No thanks to either. Aw chit. They’d probably be uninsured, too. Add uninsured ammosexual insurance to my insurance list. But at least maybe they’d haul the dimwits in under violation of insurance laws, since st00pid while carrying has yet to be added to the list of felonies.

  9. Marge Wood says:

    I agree. MANDATORY LIABILITY INSURANCE along with license and gun. That would be a nice sign to put in the yard. I’m still trying to get up the nerve to put my BLACK LIVES MATTER sign back in the front yard where my neighbors thought it would incite riots and they’d wake up with their houses on fire. Now it’s kind of quieter and lo, the media is trying to stir it up again. I’m sorry. News oughta be news and then shut up if you’re trying to make trouble with it.

  10. that guy just got the bazillion dollar wound. he will sue both the idiot with the gun, and cracker barrel, who allows said idiots with guns into their stores for gross negligence. he will win millions of dollars. how many guns can be safely stored in your cardboard box on the street?

  11. Two words: Well regulated.

  12. I’m with you, maryelle – well regulated.

  13. two crows says:

    These “accidental” shootings [carry a gun with you everywhere you go, what do you expect? – thus the quotation marks] are happening more and more frequently. Proving the NRA wrong once and for all: People don’t shoot people, guns shoot people.

    P.S. A person without a gun never, in the history of the world, shot another person with a bullet. Not once.

  14. I love Jim (Stonekettle Station) Wright’s comments on this:

  15. This was a damn boys will be boys pass! I hate that kinda thing!

  16. We have guns too, also tools of the trade, kinda hard to shoot a downed cow without one. We are covered under our homeowner/farm policy, I checked when I was checking for the liability coverage if some eedjet drives through a fence liberating the herd. That may just be a farm coverage thing though because I had very limited choice on buying farm coverage.

  17. If I got shot while minding my own business eating my biscuits n gravy in a Cracker Barrel I would sue for my medical bills and anything else I could think of. Good guy with a gun and Cracker Barrel both.

  18. JAKvirginia says:

    And yet again we all slightly miss the point. Insurance? Great idea. All for it. So what do we do next? Try to get “politicians” to pass such a law? Hahahahahaha. Please! You want this? THEN TALK TO THE INSURANCE COMPANIES! They will make tons of dollars off of this and why else are they in business? THEY will do your fighting for you. And since the “politicians” will do just about anything for money (and, boy, do insurance companies have money — more money than the NRA) you will get what you want. Trying to get “politicians” to fight the NRA is a fool’s business. The insurance companies. That’s the ticket.

  19. Steven Hernandez says:

    As a liberal who owns guns I am all FOR requiring insurance for ALL gun owners with CHL’s. Insure the CHL license owner not the gun, cause as you know, Guns don’t kill people the dumbass who doesn’t know how to handle a gun does!

  20. JAK, I think you’re missing the point. a bankrupt person doesn’t have the money for guns (which will be taken and sold by the trustee). unless the “accident” happens on your property, homeowner’s insurance won’t cover you. your state requires that you have car insurance, because they recognize that accidents are going to happen, and insurance avoids clogging the courts, and bankrupting half the state. the same should be true for guns, which have a malign purpose to begin with, and put excise taxes up the ying-yang on ammo.

    if Donald Douchebag has to buy liability insurance on his guns, and pay $50 a bullet, his enthusiasm level for them will drop.

  21. Ellen Childress says:

    Let’s start a push for liability coverage required on guns. Email state representatives and state senators; start a petition
    on MoveOn or one of the other sites. Let’s DO something !
    The first thing I am going to do is email my State Representative, who is also a friend, and tell him how important this is.

  22. JAKvirginia says:

    cpinva: Please read what I wrote again.

    Ellen Childress: Your optimism is admirable. But let’s be realistic. Insurance companies have the money and influence to affect legislation. So let’s get them to do our work for us. They’ll make a nice profit on the policies and we get what we want. All’s fair as they say.

  23. After my mom’s twelve year old brother was accidentally shot and killed by a moron with a gun, my grandfather tried to sue the shooter in civil court. No dice, he wasn’t allowed to sue. Thirty years later my grandparents would tear up over their child, but the tree of liberty, etc.

  24. Elizabeth Moon says:

    If I could change just one thing, it would be removing the term “accidental” from all discussions and laws regarding gunshot injuries and deaths.

    Instead, the law would mandate fines and jail time for “gross negligence resulting in the injury or death of any individual, and damage to any property” with the shooter being held responsible for all medical costs, among the other fines & punishments.

    Bozos know they can claim it’s an accident. They have no incentive to follow good safe firearm procedures when “Oh, it’s just an accident” gets them off the hook.
