Fun With Guns: Pier One Gun Edition

January 25, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So a guy in Round Rock, Texas (think Austin) decides to visit the local Pier One with a handgun openly displayed on his hip.  Somewhere in the toss pillows or papasan chairs, he decides this shopping adventure wasn’t all it was cracked up to be so …

A man who was openly carrying a handgun, which became legal this year, ended up robbing a Round Rock Pier One store Thursday, according to a police press release.

A man had entered the store, displayed a small black handgun in a holster and demanded the clerks open the cash register, police said. He fled after the clerks gave him money, according to police.

The coolest thing about open carry is that you don’t actually have to hold the gun to rob the store, so you don’t have to waste money on ammo or arrange for the intricacies of a one-handed get away.

Thanks, NRA.


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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns: Pier One Gun Edition”

  1. For all those retailers in open carry states, as soon as one of these goons enters the premises, do what the old adage says: shoot first and let God sort it out.

  2. That’s perfect Maggie. After all, if it works for an ammosexual it must be the right thing to do.

  3. Clearly, the thief may have been circumnavigating the law, and carrying a gun without a permit.

    How could we know? We can’t ask every open carry person for their permit. The solution, clearly, is to differentiate law abiding, permit holding, open carry citizens from those without permits. We need a large, easily identifiable permit, or license, attached to legal open carry guns. I would suggest using the car license plate as a model, they’re already in use and in production.

    Same size would be good too.

  4. daChipster says:

    I agree, Rick, except I say nail the damn thing to their foreheads. Maybe the lobotomy will take. Nothing else has.

  5. daChipster, that’s just what I was thinking, label the person. While I really like your forehead/lobotomy plan, I was thinking about tattooing them with a yuuuuge, bright pink *A* for Ammosexual.

  6. So how’s that “well-regulated” thing working out for us?
    Not at all, it would appear. I’m in favor of the license lobotomy as well.

  7. @Maggie

    Yep “shoot first, shoot next, shoot some more and then when everybody’s dead try asking a question or two.”

  8. Ralph Wiggam says:

    He demanded the clerks open the cash register.

    I thought an armed society was a polite society. He should have asked nicely.

  9. JAKvirginia says:

    Now see… this is where things get screwed up. Too many people think if someone has a holstered gun then they can go anyplace they want. Um… no. They can’t. For Texas, Wiki up Texas Gun Laws and read it. All of it. There are some real gems in there such as if you own or control property you can tell the person orally they can’t bring the gun in. Why? Because you are private property and the permit is for carry in public. Public accomodation is not public property. A retail store can accomodate someone without their gun. Malls are private property. Take control people.

    (Sorry for rambling above. My focus is off.)

  10. If I see somebody toting a gun in public I will call 911 and report them. Of course someone tried to do this on one of our recent mass murderers, and the police said that since it was an open carry state, they couldn’t do anything… until he started killing people. All the more reason not to allow people to tote guns in public. If you see somebody doing it, you should know they’re a crime waiting to happen.

    I like the license plate idea, but having a concealed- or open-carry permit doesn’t mean you aren’t a careless idiot or a hothead about to kill somebody, does it?

  11. JAKvirginia says:

    Rhea… no one should be burdened with making that decision. I can’t read minds and neither should they. Arm yourself with the law. “This is private property. Did you obtain permission to bring your gun in here? No? Then you have to leave.” If they don’t, call the cops cause they just broke the law in Texas.

  12. Dumb ass or inside job–Pier One????

  13. UmptyDump says:

    Newspaper story apparently has been updated with a police statement that the robber’s weapon was concealed.

  14. RepubAnon says:

    I don’t know why you’re piling on this guy: he was just exercising his First Amendment right to freedom of speech while also exercising his Second Amendment right to commit armed robbery – er, I mean, carry a firearm as befits a well-trained militia member….

  15. If a clerk shoots an openly armed customer can he/she use Stand Your Ground as a defense?

  16. Fred Farklestone says:

    Anyone wonder why ammo-sexuals and wanna-be Rambo’s are shown holding their pistols sideways, instead of the proper way with the butt facing the ground?
    That’s the way it came to them in the box!

  17. TrulyTexan says:

    They can if I’m on the jury.

  18. Olden Grey says:

    Who could have ever conceived that something like this might happen?

  19. Future Amazon: “Order on line and be safe. Don’t risk your health and safety at a retail store when you don’t know who is carrying a gun around you.”

    The banks could boost their online business and associated fees quite a bit too. All they have to do is be ‘gun friendly’…

    Wish this was just snarking but can’t shake the feeling that someone/somewhere is thinking just like this.

  20. @Mel Living on the fringe of secessionist redneck North State country I think just like that often. Used to go to the ‘big town’ maybe once a week. No more, I find it totally unnerving to come around the end of an aisle and bump into a camo clad assault rifle toting yahoo. Quite often they also have a handgun to fondle as they shop.

    I have discovered we really don’t need a lot of the stuff we once thought we had to have. We built a closet pantry & do a big shop every 4 – 6 weeks. Schwans delivers excellent frozen veg every other week. My Amazon purchase total item count almost doubled in 2015. Prime is my good friend.

  21. e platypus onion says:

    I read somewhere that in Texas you shoot someone on your property, then drag them inside and claim self defense. Got that store owners?

    If the 2nd Amendment rights shall not be infringed,why aren’t prisoners allowed to have guns to protect themselves from the overreach of the criminal justice system?

  22. e platypus onion says:

    Same as Truly Texan says,LynnN. In fact,I’d insist on that defense and a not guilty verdict to go with it. Then,because I try to be civic-minded,I’d hold the door open and lure more ammosexuals in close for the kill.

  23. Okey dokey, this spells the beginning of the end of Open Carry laws. People dying is one thing – – that’s just the price of freedumb. But now, a corporation has lost MONEY. And that tears it. The laws will be repealed – – all of them – – within a year.

  24. @ Mel:
    My credit union has a sign posted on the door asking patrons to remove hats and sunglasses “for your safety.”

    Guns aren’t mentioned one way or the other.


    Yeah, I think online banking is in my future.

  25. You should realize the police have corrected this report. Perp was NOT open carrying. Was under his jacket in a holster.
    I’m gonna bet the person does not have a permit to conceal. I’m also going to guess crooks will rather hide their weapons when they plan to rob.
    So, look it up and correct the posting at least.
