Fun With Guns: NRA Edition

April 09, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The National Rifle Association was putting on a program at the Steel City Gun Club in Pennsylvania.

A New Jersey man attending the program shot himself in the leg.

Apparently, not on purpose.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns: NRA Edition”

  1. I guess “the stoopid” is not confined to the southern part of the nation. And accidentally shooting yourself is not really an accident, it is operator error.

  2. Speaking as a former Pennsylvanian, that’s Jersey for you. At least it was himself he shot. Was it high enough in the leg for an honorary Darwin Award, we can hope?

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Makes ya wonder, Rhea, that with all these leg shots there hasn’t been a shot to the gohmerts. Must be that smaller than a squirrel’s comparison.

  4. I have no feelings for NRA one way or another. But this constant reporting of careless discharges has heightened by awareness of their happenings. Before I read this collection of nitwittery I would have bet anyone the rent money that careless discharges in these numbers DID NOT exist. Clearly they DO. And they happen every day. Amazing! Or maybe not so amazing. Maybe predictable if you can infer the general carelessness apparent in out present day society.

  5. maryelle says:

    Rejoice and be glad that the morons keep shooting themselves.

  6. Could there possibly be an NRA-sponsored event at which someone doesn’t either shoot himself or someone else? No, I don’t think so.

  7. e platypus onion says:

    Damn guns give the NRA a bad name.

  8. June Bug says:

    guns don’t shoot people; people shoot people!
    Guess we have to do away with people with guns. At the rate they’re going, there’s some hope for the rest of us.

  9. Rosemary says:

    I just read an article from the Indianapolis Star about the NRA convention coming here April 25. We’re getting big celebs Sarah Palin, Bobby Jindal and Ollie North. There will also be a prayer breakfast on Sunday that will feature Franklin Graham, because nothing says devotion to Jesus like arsenals of guns and ammunition.

  10. UmptyDump says:

    Hey Rosemary, maybe you want to avoid the vicinity of any NRA meetings in your town. Seriously. Being around these gun-toters exposes ordinary citizens to unnecessary risks.

  11. eyesoars says:


    It’s astonishing how many professionals (cops, soldiers, …) manage to shoot themselves — there are several of those every week too.

    If only innocent bystanders weren’t so often the victims.

  12. @eyesoars:
    I guess I’m truly the dinosaur I appear to be… a police officer or Marine who while under my command logged a substantiated careless discharge would wish he had died as a child.

  13. donquijoterocket says:

    The article doesn’t say but one wonders if the person who gunshot themselves was in violation of an NRA regulation about loaded weapons at one of their events. And one also wonders what kind of event was it. A safety lecture? I suspect we can all be sure the NRA will not be mentioning this incident.

  14. It wouldn’t be so bad if they only shot themselves, maryelle.

  15. Apparently the gun shot guy was a cop. As a percentage of the population of gun owners, cops are usually very, very careful about their weapons. I just thunk a thought. Is there such a thing as a defective gun? One that can’t be trusted even with the safety on? Cars get recalled all the time because they were made poorly, sadly even when the recall is too damn late to save a life. A gun is a manufactured item like a car. Ten to one there is an unknown defect in at least one weapon in an arsenal. Or will the NRA even admit to defects? Heaven help the poor, poor NRA if there were to be a recall of every weapon in the country! Now, if you don’t mind I need to get back to dipping my lace collars in weak tea so they all look like antiques.

  16. RepubAnon says:

    If only the man’s leg was armed.

  17. e platypus onion says:

    Maggie you’re suspicions are correct about defective weapons. Remington has heard complaints for DECADES about their most popular hunting rifle-it has a defective trigger mechanism and Remington never alerted the public. They still claim nothing is wrong after thousands of complaints.
