Fun With Guns: Never Mix Fire With Dumb

October 14, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Let’s say you’re playing around on Twitter and come across this.

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You’re likely to think, “I bet there’s a good story behind that.”

And you would be right.  It’s Missouri.

A man, whose name is never revealed in the news reports but I would be willing to bet is  Bubba, was burning trash in a field.  The fire got out of control, as fires are apt to do, and this good citizen went to work to put it out.

Disregarding water as method of fire extinguishing, Bubba decides to drive his van back and forth over the fire to put it out.  I have no idea where Bubba learned this was a safe way to put out a fire, but I am pretty certain it wasn’t in a school of any sort.

When Bubba’s tires catch fire, he gets the idea that maybe this isn’t safe, especially when he remembers that his van is loaded with ammo and a full tank of gasoline.  Well, I do not know what they call that in Missouri, but a fire with gas and ammo in Texas is called, “Hoooooooly cow, Bertha! Look at that crap.”

When the police arrive, they find Bubba “watching the fire from a distance,” which was the only smart thing Bubba did all day.

The end is always the best and this story does not fail.

The deputy did not immediately cite the owner, who declined to make a report for a possible insurance claim.

“It seems like he’s just going to have to take a loss on that vehicle because I don’t think they’re going to cover it,” Bazzano said.

Not unless you can get insured against self-dumbness.

Thanks to Mike for the heads up.

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