Fun With Guns: Major Surgery Edition

December 06, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

And you thought Alabama men were wimpy.  Shame on you for that.

After partying all night at nightclubs, a 35 year old Alabama man, whose name has not been released much to his mother’s delight, was playing wild west with his handgun, spinning it around his finger to impress his friends.

reconstruction_surgery01And impressed they were when the gun, of damn course, went off and was agreeable enough to shoot the owner in the stomach and not anyone else.

But here’s the how-you-know-he-was-really-really-drunk part.

The gun went off and a bullet struck the man’s stomach, but didn’t exit through his back.

“The man told police he could feel the bullet under his skin so he took a knife and cut it out himself,” Captain Bobby Jackson with Gadsden PD said.

And to think there are people who go to school for 10 years to learn to be a trauma surgeon when all they had to do was get drunk.

Thanks to Marge for the heads up.

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