Fun With Guns: Labor Day Edition
In Detroit a 73 year man got grumpy over a dentist bill so he pulled a gun on the dentist and his assistant.
According to police, the man drew a pistol and threatened the dentist when another employee grabbed the gun. The employee and others in the office helped subdue the man, but during the struggle, the gun went off.
No injuries were reported.
But, that’s just the beginning.
Meanwhile, in Orlando, two friends were at the Shoot Straight Gun Range and didn’t. One of them jammed his 9 mm semi automatic Smith and Wesson and the other one tried to help. The helper shot himself in the finger and his friend in the thigh.
Quote of the day —
“One of them, I guess, thought he could teach the other he could shoot,” [police sergeant Mark] Stein said.
Obviously neither could.
Thanks to Carl and Brian of the heads up.
“a 73 year man got grumpy over a dentist bill”
Nothing a little extra extra nitrous oxide wouldn’t cure, right before he leaves the chair.
1I keep hearing that “guns don’t shoot people” – and yet we keep hearing about all these accidents where no person was held responsible for firing the firearm.
2RepubAnon, or even brandishing a weapon. That would also get you jail time. However, a 73 year old galoot will end up being seen by a psychiatrist who will most likely declare him “impaired” and he would go away to a nice quiet padded cell.
As for the idiots in Florida, hey, they’ve been out in too much sun. Their brains are fried.
3Novel way of acquiring lead for tooth fillings. Have patients bring their own and fire off a round to soften it up and make it malleable.
4I thought that was a theme straight out of a Janel Evanovich novel. One of her characters did just that.
5When life imitates a Janet Evanovich novel, it’s getting a little too weird. I don’t want any grumpy 73-year-olds wandering around with loaded guns, thank you. Or grumpy 22-year-olds either.