Fun With Guns: It’s a Damn Armory Edition

October 02, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

And there’s South Carolina.

They got a two-fer.  An ambulance BOGO.

Deputies say two people were hurt after an accidental shooting at the Palmetto State Armory in Greenville County.

According to the sheriff’s office, a man was taking apart a gun when it fired and struck him and someone he was with.

It looks like they’ll both live to hurt themselves again.

They say the two were given a safety briefing before the shooting and the gun belonged to the victim.

They also say the victim was shot in the left hand and his companion in the right upper leg.

Okay, the physics of that is gonna take some ‘splainin’.


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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns: It’s a Damn Armory Edition”

  1. could have hit a bone in the hand, which deflected the bullet down to the other person’s right thigh. that person was standing to the left of first guy.

    either way, there shouldn’t have been a round in the chamber to begin with. idiots with guns, part the nine billionth.

  2. That’s their story, and they are sticking to it.

  3. Paul Harris says:

    I’m guessing that both of them have a secret copy of “Brokeback Mountain”.

  4. e platypus onion says:

    So what was one guy’s hand doing on another guy’s upper leg while fondling a gun?

  5. Silly me, I thought it was a National Guard armory, but “armory” is apparently just a word for “gun store.”

    Still no excuse for not checking whether there was a round loaded and ready to go when you picked up the gun, fool.

  6. They were given a safety briefing which omitted a couple of things. Every gun is always loaded all the time. Never point a weapon at anything you don’t plan to shoot. Always be sure the bullet’s path is safe before you point the weapon. We need mandatory universal gun safety training in this country, if for no other reason than to educate people about how incredibly dangerous guns are and maybe change the dialogue, and have real background checks and a real test of proficiency and safety for gun owners. I’m a gun owner who customizes my hunting rifles in my attic. I also have a pilot’s certificate. I had to go to ground school and flight school, take a written, oral and flight test to show I could be trusted with an airplane. I’m okay with that. Are airplanes more dangerous than guns? Sorry for the rant.

  7. @Henry

    The rules I learned were
    All guns are always Loaded.
    Never point your muzzle at anything you do not wish to destroy.
    Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target.
    Always be sure of your target.

    Not terribly different than yours.

    Licensing of firearms users could do far worse than emulating FAA rules for airmen.

    An ab inito school
    Shooting training at basic, intermediate, and advanced levels.
    Testing at each level. One-on-one experience at each level.
    As a shooter, proving you have mastered a revolver as opposed to a semi-automatic pistol or a flintlock pistol.
    Then the same familiarization and one-on-one for rifles and for shotguns.

    I am a confident shooter of semi-automatic pistols, bolt-action rifles, and pump shotguns. I should not be allowed to operate revolvers, semi-automatic rifles or semi-automatic shotguns because I do not yet have the requisite experience to operate them safely.

    As a life-long gunner and owner I dont see these as burdensome requirements.

  8. Sandridge says:

    Hey Deliver, holt mah ‘makemurikagreat’ hat an’ watje me dew dis neet trik, yew tew Cletus,
    dis iz makz kool, ain’t loaded neither, no way…ooowwwwoooo dayum dat smartz……..

  9. Ohferpete’ssake. Every time I think gun nuts have hit the limit on Stoooopid, there they go again. And again and again and again and again and again and again and again and . . . . . . . . . .

  10. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:


  11. WA Skeptic says:

    “Buy One Get One”

  12. JAKvirginia says:

    Micr and Henry: C’mon guys! Really?

    Rules? We don’t need no stinkin’ rules!

  13. My late husband owned guns. As a Marine he showed me (a hippy dippy love chick) all the rules mentioned above.

    I won’t have a gun as they are noisy and most likely to be taken from me. That said I know the gun is always loaded until you personally check the darn thing.

    A side note – my husband was worried about me defending myself until I adopted the Gibbs rule of always carry a knife. I look harmless and that’s what I want folks to think. It’s crazy out there!

  14. @connie

    something like this Gerber folding knife maybe?

  15. Connie, speaking of crazy, it’s easier than carrying a knife. Just make them think you’re the crazy one. Talk to yourself, gibber, flail, whatever it takes. They’ll leave you alone and try somebody else.

    Carol Burnett said somebody tried to grab her late one night in NYC years ago and she turned around and did her Tarzan yell in the guy’s face. He took off.

  16. WA Skeptic says:

    Yep–be loud and it’ll make them think twice. The last thing they want is to attract someone else’s attention.

    Made that discovery at an ATM when an aggressive panhandler was beginning to bother me: “Leave me ALONE!!” and he took off like a scalded cat.

    Not sure how that would work in the middle of the night, but for what it’s worth it worked then.
