Fun With Guns: It Was A Black Guy Edition

February 13, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So there’s a 34 year old guy in California named Brent Thomas Posada who got shot in the abdomen and was taken to the hospital.

He told police that he was just standing on the sidewalk minding his own business when a black man approached him and held a gun to his head.  He says he shoved the gun away and it went off in his abdomen.

He had described the black male suspect as 6 feet tall, 185 pounds, and in his late 20s. Posada said that the man had been “wearing a black hoodie-style sweatshirt, blue jeans and black, high-top shoes with silver stripes,” the The Record Search Light reported.

Well, the police looked around and there was no blood on the sidewalk and things didn’t seem quite right about this whole story.

That was when Posada finally admitted that he had “intentionally” shot himself in the stomach with a high powered air rifle while he was inside his residence.

I don’t mean mean to stereotype but the first clue that Posada wasn’t all there is that he’s all here:


Screen Shot 2014-02-13 at 9.05.48 AM


And if anybody in California has a sense of humor, they will send a black guy dressed exactly like the black guy he described to be his doctor.


Thanks to Mike for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns: It Was A Black Guy Edition”

  1. This is why we DO need limits on what guns the mentally ill can possess. Sorry, NRA.

  2. It’s unfortunate that Posada did not aim lower and limit the risk he might father additional idiots.

  3. Sam in Kyle says:

    Steve Stockman has a relative in California?

  4. Creepy, and sad. Why would anyone deliberately shoot himself in the stomach?

  5. Barry Snell says:

    A picture is indeed worth a thousand words.

  6. Mary Margaret says:

    Marge – Why would anyone deliberately shoot himself in the stomach?
    To prove the need to have guns for self-defense. 🙂

  7. Marge—since there wasn’t a link, the only reason so far that this poor lunatic seems to have done this to himself—- was to blame an imaginary black man in a hoodie.

    If she has any sense, his mother regrets the night she got snuggly with dumb boy’s daddy despite the fact the drug store had closed early.

  8. Maybe he accidentally shot himself and thought it would sound less stupid if it was intentional…? No, sorry– either one is pretty bad.

  9. SteveTheReturned says:

    Guys like this are why I don’t take part in shooting sports anymore. It’s the same reason I don’t watch “Duck Dynasty”: I don’t like the company I’d have to keep, and I suspect it’s contagious…..

  10. California actually has strict gun laws. Unfortunately, there are no laws against major-league stupidity.

  11. barbinbastrop says:

    possible he does not know the meaning of intentional.

  12. “That was when Posada finally admitted that he had “intentionally” shot himself in the stomach with a high powered air rifle while he was inside his residence.”

    If this lunatic has not yet been committed for a psych evaluation, shame on California.

  13. Yes, miemaw, he’s a perfect candidate for a 5150 hold, or whatever the number is.

  14. Maybe his wife or girlfriend had told him that he had torso muscles like steel and he believed it. Or maybe he thought saying he “intentionally” did it sounded more “manly” than saying it was an accident. It’s really hard to imagine what’s going on in the little minds of some of these sub-humans.

  15. Why would anyone shoot himself in the stomache? A latent desire to enjoy surgery.

  16. Are we sure that isn’t the anti-hoodie media whoore George Zimmerman in disguise?

  17. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Holy gohmerts! “The black guy did it.” First excuse of the super st00pid. Hope his cellmate is African American and seriously tired of being scapegoated.

  18. I second PKM. But still, it’s hard to believe from his picture, isn’t it? He seems to be such a bright, handsome, friendly sort of young man. Eeeewwwww!

  19. He’s smoking a stogey and posing with his great big gun. Intentional or accidental, this was a shooting waiting to happen. So glad it happened to him.
    He looks like a character Phillip Seymour Hoffman might have played or a refugee from Deliverance.

  20. Do you think he thought the air rifle wouldn’t pierce his skin? I don’t know how powerful an air rifle can be but a beebee gun stings like hell when it hits skin. I had little brothers, I know these things.

  21. To me that photo says, “I need not one, but two p***s substitutes.” (Not sure how mama feels about the word.)

  22. gabberflasted says:

    I think the first clue the cops had was the lack of powder burns, anywhere. Maybe his girlfriend commented on his sixpack and he showed her that aluminum cans full beer were the same as chest protecting armor. Or bellies full of beer were just as effective.
