Fun With Guns: Imitate Dick Cheney Edition

November 11, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A man in Maine shot off his face while jacking around with a .270-caliber hunting rifle.  You might want to write this down somewhere:  Do not clown around with a .270 caliber hunting rifle.  It should be like a plastic bag and have a warning on it – “This is not a toy.  Keep away from idiots.”

Dale Poulin, 31, of Ash Street, was visiting friends at 218 College Ave. around 9 p.m. Wednesday and exchanging hunting stories when he went outside and brought in a .270-caliber hunting rifle. At one point, Poulin put the barrel of the rifle under his chin and pulled the trigger, said Waterville Police Chief Joseph Massey.

Yes, there was alcohol involved.  What are you?  Stupid?

And then in the understatement of the year, Police Chief Massey says —

Massey said the accident illustrates the dangers of improperly and unsafely handling firearms.

But let’s not stop there.

“Guns and alcohol – they just don’t mix,” he said. “Dangerous combination.”

Ya think?

Thanks to Jean for the heads up.

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