Fun With Guns: I Think They’re Jacking With Us Now Edition

August 04, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

There is a never ending list of men in Texas who shoot armadillos and have the bullet ricochet back and put out their eye or some damn thing.

Here’s one from the Huffington Post today.

It is the same exact story we covered in July of 2015.  And pretty much the same story in October of 2015.

Here ya go on July of 2016

I’m thinking that on a slow news day, the amazing armadillo gets rehashed.  If ya think about it, pretty much anything can happen at 3:00 am and neither you nor I would be there to dispute it.

Either that or there’s just way too many people running around with an itchy handgun at 3:00 am.

Thelma this it’s one kind of Russian Commie signal.  Like, if you see that story, it’s a spy message to the Russians that something is fixing to happen.  Something awful – especially the July 2016 one.

I dunno.  After all, Thelma was right about something once so it might happen again.

Thanks to Lynn for the heads up.

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